Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 578
#Citation: 10388
H-Index: 49
G-Index: 79
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 158
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Roland Ryf合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs317

Haoshuo Chen合作论文数
Bell Laboratories268

David Neilson合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs126

Mikael Mazur合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs, 791 Holmdel Rd, Holmdel, NJ 07733 USA119

Ryan P. Scott合作论文数
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of California , Davis;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California , Davis96

S. J. Ben Yoo合作论文数
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, University of California, Davis;Lawrence Berkeley National Lab77

Rodrigo Amezcua Correa合作论文数
Relativity Networks;College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida;Townes Laser Institute, University of Central Florida65

René-Jean Essiambre合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs60

Juan Carlos Alvaradozacarias合作论文数

Lauren Dallachiesa合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs57

Pierre Sillard合作论文数
Prysmian Group47

Jonathan Paul Heritage合作论文数
Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, University of California, Davis46

David J. Geisler合作论文数
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of California , Davis;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California , Davis45

Joel Carpenter合作论文数
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, The University of Queensland43

Hanzi Huang合作论文数

Binbin Guan合作论文数

J. Enrique Antonio-Lopez合作论文数
CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida33

Kwangwoong Kim合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs32

Guifang Li (李桂芳)合作论文数
The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida31

Tetsuya Hayashi合作论文数
Sumitomo Electric31

Sungjoo Yoo合作论文数
Computing and Memory Architecture Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University31

Yingxiong Song (宋英雄)合作论文数
School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University31

Yetian Huang合作论文数

Benjamin J. Puttnam合作论文数

Georg Rademacher合作论文数
FB Hochfrequenztech., Tech. Univ. Berlin;c;FB Hochfrequenztech., Tech. Univ. Berlin27

Ruben S. Luís合作论文数
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology26

Cristian Antonelli合作论文数
University of L'Aquila25

Gregory Raybon合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs25

Bin Huang合作论文数

Francisco Soares合作论文数
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Inst.;c;Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Inst.23

Achten, Frank合作论文数

Brian H. Kolner合作论文数
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis22

Bigot-Astruc, Marianne合作论文数

Mecozzi Antonio合作论文数
Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L'Aquila21

Peter J. Winzer合作论文数
Nokia Bell Labs20

Chigo Okonkwo合作论文数
Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology;Department of Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven University of Technology;CUbIQ Technologies19

Sergio G. Leon Saval合作论文数
School of Physics, University of Sydney/Institute of Photonics and Optical Science, University of Sydney19

Sebastian Randel合作论文数
Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology19

R. F. Kopf合作论文数

Ellsworth Burrows合作论文数

Mark Cappuzzo合作论文数

Hideaki Furukawa合作论文数

Yuanhang Zhang (张远航)合作论文数
Huawei 2012 lab/Nokia Bell Labs/CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida16

Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar合作论文数
Bell Labs16

Sjoerd van der Heide合作论文数

Younes Messaddeq合作论文数
COPL, Univ Laval15

Andrew Adamiecki合作论文数

Yi Sun合作论文数

Sophie LaRochelle合作论文数
Departement de Genie Electrique et de Genie Informatique, Faculte des Sciences et de Genie, Universite Laval15
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