Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 193
#Citation: 4156
H-Index: 31
G-Index: 62
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 69
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

William Dietrich合作论文数
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley21

Sanjeev Gupta合作论文数
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London20

David P. Mayer合作论文数

Kevin Lewis合作论文数
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciencesm, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Johns Hopkins University19

Alexander B. Bryk合作论文数
University of BerkeleyCalifornia18

A. R. Vasavada合作论文数

Michael Manga合作论文数
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley16

J. M. Davis合作论文数

Michael P. Lamb合作论文数
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology15

Steve Banham合作论文数
Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London15

Juergen Schieber合作论文数
Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University;Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington15

Michael A. Mischna合作论文数

Abigail Fraeman合作论文数
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute Of Technology15

W. Rapin合作论文数
CNRSCNESToulouse, Université de Toulouse14

Sharon A. Wilson合作论文数
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, Smithsonian Institution14

Scot Rafkin合作论文数
Department of Meteorology;San JoseState University;Department of Meteorology, San JoseState University13

Lauren A. Edgar合作论文数

Rebecca Williams合作论文数
Malin Space Science Systems, Inc.12

John Grotzinger合作论文数
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology11

Raymond E. Arvidson合作论文数
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis;NASA11

David M Rubin合作论文数
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Division of Physical & Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz11

Jacob L. Bean合作论文数
The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The University of Chicago10

Megan Mansfield合作论文数
Steward Observatory, University of Arizona10

Renyu Hu (胡仁宇)合作论文数
China Academy of Engineering Physics10

Olivier Gasnault合作论文数
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie10

Catherine Weitz合作论文数

Amelie Roberts合作论文数

Tex Kubacki合作论文数

Christina H. Seeger合作论文数
Geol Dept, Western Washington Univ9

Gwenael Caravaca合作论文数
UMR 5277, Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse 39

Gasda Patrick J合作论文数
Hawai'i Institute for Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawai'i9

Laura Schaefer合作论文数
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University9

Daniel Koll合作论文数
Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago9

Christopher M. Fedo合作论文数
Dept Earth & Planetary Sci, Univ Tennessee9

Aster Cowart合作论文数

Alexandra O Warren合作论文数

Alexander M. Morgan合作论文数
Planetary Sci Inst8

Stéphane Le Mouelic合作论文数
Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences, Université de Nantes8

Eliza Miller-Ricci Kempton合作论文数

John A. Grant合作论文数
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies;National Air and Space;Smithsonian Institution;Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, Smithsonian Institution8

Timothy I. Michaels合作论文数

Lucy Thompson合作论文数

Claire A. Mondro合作论文数
Geosciences Department, The Pennsylvania State University7

Bowen Fan合作论文数
Dept Precis Engn, Univ Tokyo7

Linda Kah合作论文数
Dept Earth & Planetary Sci, Univ Tennessee7

Michelle E. Minitti合作论文数

Jonathan Sneed合作论文数
Univ Chicago6

Rachel Y. Sheppard合作论文数
Jet Prop Lab, NASA6

Deirdra M. Fey合作论文数
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