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Generating Baikal-GVD High Energy Cascade-Like Neutrino Events with a GEANT4-based Simulation Toolkit

Chinese Physics C(2024)

Russian Acad Sci

Cited 0|Views5
Using GEANT4 and Cosmic Ray Monte Carlo (CRMC) software packages, we developed a new simulation toolkit for astrophysical neutrino telescopes. By configuring the Baikal-GVD detector and comparing the vertex position and direction of incident particles, as well as the channel-by-channel signals, to the events detected by Baikal-GVD, we successfully generated 13 high-energy cascades neutrino events with the toolkit. Our analysis revealed a systematic offset between the reconstructed shower position and the true interaction position, with a distance close to the scale of the shower maximum of -0.64±1.32 m. The results of the linear fit between real data and simulation demonstrate reliable outcomes, indicating that the simulation toolkit is capable of studying the performance of astrophysical neutrino telescopes.
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Key words
high-energy neutrino,cascade event,simulation,Cherenkov
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要点】:本研究通过高灵敏度和高分辨率观测,揭示了SVS 13原双星系统中早期行星系统形成的过程,发现其具有独特的螺旋臂和化学性质变化,为理解双星系统行星系统最终配置提供了线索。

方法】:利用VLA和ALMA对SVS 13系统进行综合观测,追踪系统中的尘埃以及电离气体和分子气体。
