
Performance of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strains Against the Application of Adaptive Laboratory Evolution Strategies for Butanol Tolerance

Food research international(2024)

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Although the industrial production of butanol has been carried out for decades by bacteria of the Clostridium species, recent studies have shown the use of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a promising alternative. While the production of n-butanol by this yeast is still very far from its tolerability (up to 2% butanol), the improvement in the tolerance can lead to an increase in butanol production. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the adaptive capacity of the laboratory strain X2180-1B and the Brazilian ethanol-producing strain CAT-1 when submitted to two strategies of adaptive laboratory Evolution (ALE) in butanol. The strains were submitted, in parallel, to ALE with successive passages or with UV irradiation, using 1% butanol as selection pressure. Despite initially showing greater tolerance to butanol, the CAT-1 strain did not show great improvements after being submitted to ALE. Already the laboratory strain X2180-1B showed an incredible increase in butanol tolerance, starting from a condition of inability to grow in 1% butanol, to the capacity to grow in this same condition. With emphasis on the X2180_n100#28 isolated colony that presented the highest maximum specific growth rate among all isolated colonies, we believe that this colony has good potential to be used as a model yeast for understanding the mechanisms that involve tolerance to alcohols and other inhibitory compounds.
Tolerant yeast,ALE,Evolved colony,Successive passages,UV irradiation
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