Selenium Levels and Sources on Performance, Digestibility, Intestinal Integrity, Serum Parameters and Gene Expression of Selenoproteins in Weaned Piglets


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This study was conducted with the objective of investigating the enrichment of weaned piglet diets with organic selenium (proteinate selenium) and inorganic selenium (sodium selenite) with two addition levels (0.15 and 0.30 mg/kg). A total of 40 piglets (20 castrated males and 20 females) weaned at 28 days of age with an average initial weight of 6.60±1.06 kg were used. The treatments were: Control diet (Control diet); Selenium-enriched control diet proteinate with 0.15 mg/kg of selenium added (SeOrg-0.15); Selenium-enriched control diet proteinate with 0.30 mg/kg of selenium added (SeOrg-0.30); Control diet enriched with sodium selenite with 0.15 mg/kg of selenium added (SeInorg-0.15); and Control diet enriched with sodium selenite with 0.30 mg/kg of selenium added (SeInorg-0.30). The presence of selenium in the control diet came from the ingredients and the mineral supplement. The following data were analyzed: productive performance; digestibility of nutrients and energy; morphometry and intestinal integrity; serum biochemical parameters; and gene expression of selenoproteins in intestinal epithelium and liver tissue of piglets. The SeOrg-0.30 treatment caused a reduction (P
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