
Supplementary Figures S1 to S11 from Allosteric PI3Kα Inhibition Overcomes On-target Resistance to Orthosteric Inhibitors Mediated by Secondary <i>pik3ca</i> Mutations

Andreas Varkaris,Ferran Fece de la Cruz,Elizabeth E. Martin, Bryanna L. Norden, Nicholas Chevalier, Allison M. Kehlmann, Ignaty Leshchiner,Haley Barnes, Sara Ehnstrom, Anastasia-Maria Stavridi, Xin Yuan, Janice S. Kim,Haley Ellis, Alkistis Papatheodoridi, Hakan Günaydın, Brian P. Danysh, Laxmi Parida, Ioannis Sanidas, Yongli Ji, Kelvin Lau, Gerburg M. Wulf, Aditya Bardia, Laura M. Spring, Steven J. Isakoff,Jochen K. Lennerz, Kathryn Del Vecchio,Levi Pierce,Ermira Pazolli, Gad Getz, Ryan B. Corcoran, Dejan Juric


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Supplementary Figure S1: PI3K pathway activity in selected cases with acquired PTEN alteration. Supplementary Figure S2. Validation of AKT constructs expression in T47D cells. Supplementary Figure S3. AKT activating mutations confer resistance to PI3Ka inhibitors. Supplementary Figure S4: Free energy calculations predict resistance to orthosteric PI3K inhibitors due to specific double PIK3CA mutants. Supplementary Figure S5: Free energy perturbation predicts reduced binding of orthosteric PI3K inhibitors to double mutants. Supplementary Figure S6. Expression of PIK3CA mutations in T47D cells. Supplementary Figure S7. MCF7 cells expressing W780R or Q859H double mutants show differential response to PIK3CA orthosteric inhibitors. Supplementary Figure S8: Chemical structure of RLY-2608. Supplementary Figure S9: Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding assay. Supplementary Figure S10. Alpelisib shows reduced potency of downstream signaling inhibition in the presence of W780R or Q859H/K. Supplementary Figure S11. T47D cells expressing I817F or E726K double mutants do not show a differential response to inavolisib (A) or RLY-2608 (B).
PI3K/AKT pathway
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