Interhemispheric Conjugacy Explorer (ICE) — A Mission Concept
Vol 55, Issue 3 (Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Whitepapers) Bulletin of the AAS(2023)
Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab. | University of Texas at Arlington | University of Kansas Center for Research
Goals and Objectives:We propose a mission "Interhemispheric Conjugacy Explorer (ICE)" to transform our understanding of the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system from "local" to "global" by providing observations that, for the first time, cover both northern and southern hemispheres simultaneously, thus allowing us to address interhemispheric asymmetries, including both the sources and consequences.The proposed ICE mission is designed to address this issue with an overarching goal to fundamentally improve our understanding of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling on a global scale and its effects on the ionosphere/thermosphere.There are two major science goals: Science Goal 1: Understand the significance of different sources in causing asymmetry in distribution of hemispheric open flux and precipitation of energetic particles.This goal is addressed by two measurement objectives: (MO1) Determine the asymmetry of hemispheric open flux, and (MO2) Determine the asymmetry of precipitation of energetic particles.Science Goal 2: Understand how the interhemispheric asymmetry of energy flow changes the global ionosphere-thermosphere system.This goal is addressed by two measurement objectives: (MO1) Determine the spatial and temporal variation of ionosphere, and (MO2) Determine the spatial and temporal variation of thermosphere.Mission Concept: The ICE mission concept, as currently envisioned for NASA's moderate-class mission, consists of a constellation of four satellites, with 2 satellites (Hi-1 & Hi-2) in an elliptical out-of-phase, high Earth Molniya-like orbit (apogee ~12 R E ) and 2 satellites (Lo-1 & Lo-2) in a "follow-on", low Earth orbit (~600 km of altitude).On each Hi spacecraft, 2-D snapshot images at OI 135.6 nm, N 2 LBHs (140-150 nm), N 2 LBHl (165-180 nm), H 121.8 nm will provide the global context of auroral images (auroral boundaries and polar cap), characteristic energy (E o ) and energy flux (Q) of precipitating electrons, proton aurora, thermospheric O/N 2 column density ratio, whereas on each Lo spacecraft, (1) an FUV spectrograph disk/limb scanning imager (120-185 nm) to provide density (O, O 2 , N 2 , NO and O + ) profile, O/N 2 and NO column density, (2) a neutral mass spectrometer will provide ion and neutral density and composition, plasma drift speed and neutral wind, (3) an electrostatic analyzer to provide energy spectral and pitch angle distribution of precipitating electrons, and (4) a Terahertz Limb Sounder (TLS) to derive atmospheric oxygen density, temperature and wind between 100 and 180 km of altitude.These measurements, alone with some theory and modeling efforts, can provide unprecedented new information necessary to meet our science goals.ICE is an innovative approach to a fundamental challenge.We plan to use commercial offthe shelf buses and implement the constellation with a single reusable Falcon Heavy launcher.The total cost is ~$300-600M with options for enhancing the mission or tuning the cost.
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