Evolution of HIV-1 Envelope Towards Reduced Neutralization Sensitivity, As Demonstrated by Contemporary HIV-1 Subtype B from the United States.
Lindsay Wieczorek,Eric Sanders-Buell,Michelle Zemil,Eric Lewitus,Erin Kavusak, Jonah Heller,Sebastian Molnar, Mekhala Rao, Gabriel Smith,Meera Bose, Amy Nguyen, Adwitiya Dhungana, Katherine Okada, Kelly Parisi,Daniel Silas,Bonnie Slike,Anuradha Ganesan,Jason Okulicz,Tahaniyat Lalani,Brian K. Agan,Trevor A. Crowell,Janice Darden,Morgane Rolland,Sandhya Vasan,Julie Ake,Shelly J. Krebs,Sheila Peel,Sodsai Tovanabutra,Victoria R. Polonis,Penny L. Moore PLOS pathogens(2023)
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