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Rapid-response Radio Observations of Short GRB 181123B with the Australia Telescope Compact Array

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2021)SCI 2区

Curtin Univ | Univ Technol Sydney | CSIRO Astron & Space Sci | Univ Amsterdam | George Washington Univ | Macquarie Univ | Univ Nevada

Cited 8|Views23
We introduce the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) rapid-response mode by presenting the first successful trigger on the short-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) 181123B. Early-time radio observations of short GRBs may provide vital insights into the radio afterglow properties of Advanced LIGO- and Virgo-detected gravitational wave events, which will in turn inform follow-up strategies to search for counterparts within their large positional uncertainties. The ATCA was on target within 12.6 h post-burst, when the source had risen above the horizon. While no radio afterglow was detected during the 8.3 h observation, we obtained force-fitted flux densities of 7 +/- 12 and 15 +/- 11 mu Jy at 5.5 and 9 GHz, respectively. Afterglow modelling of GRB 181123B showed that the addition of the ATCA force-fitted radio flux densities to the Swift X-ray Telescope detections provided more stringent constraints on the fraction of thermal energy in the electrons (log epsilon(e) = -0.75(-0.40)(+0.39) rather than log epsilon(e) = -1.13(-1.2)(+0.82) derived without the inclusion of the ATCA values), which is consistent with the range of typical epsilon(e) derived from GRB afterglow modelling. This allowed us to predict that the forward shock may have peaked in the radio band similar to 10 d post-burst, producing detectable radio emission greater than or similar to 3-4 d post-burst. Overall, we demonstrate the potential for extremely rapid radio follow-up of transients and the importance of triggered radio observations for constraining GRB blast wave properties, regardless of whether there is a detection, via the inclusion of force-fitted radio flux densities in afterglow modelling efforts.
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Key words
gamma-ray bursts,gamma-ray burst: individual: GRB 181123B,radio continuum: transients,neutron star mergers
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要点】:本文介绍了澳大利亚望远镜紧凑阵(ATCA)的快速响应模式,并通过短时伽玛射线暴GRB 181123B的观测,展示了该模式在获取引力波事件电磁对应体研究中的重要作用及创新应用。

方法】:研究利用ATCA的快速响应模式,在伽玛射线暴发生后不久进行观测,通过强制拟合方法获得无线电波段流量密度,并与Swift X射线望远镜的数据结合,对短时伽玛射线暴的余辉模型进行约束。

实验】:在GRB 181123B发生后12.6小时内,ATCA成功对准目标并进行了8.3小时的观测。尽管未检测到无线电余辉,但通过强制拟合得到的5.5 GHz和9 GHz的流量密度分别为7±12和15±11微焦耳。这些数据与Swift X射线望远镜的观测相结合,对伽玛射线暴的余辉模型提供了更严格的限制,预测了无线电波段可能的最大发射时间。