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Papers共 81 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Luis Eduardo Lopez-Cortes,Mercedes Delgado-Valverde,Elisa Moreno-Mellado,Josune Goikoetxea Aguirre,Laura Guio Carrion, Maria Jose Blanco Vidal, Leyre Monica Lopez Soria,Maria Teresa Perez-Rodriguez, Lucia Martinez Lamas,Francisco Arnaiz de las Revillas,Carlos Arminanzas,Carlos Ruiz de Alegria-Puig, Patricia Jimenez Aguilar, Maria del Carmen Martinez-Rubio, Carmen Saez-Bejar, Carmen de las Cuevas,Andres Martin-Aspas,Fatima Galan,Jose Ramon Yuste, Jose Leiva-Leon, German Bou, Patricia Capon Gonzalez,Lucia Boix-Palop, Mariona Xercavins-Valls, Miguel angel Goenaga-Sanchez, Diego Vicente Anza,Juan Jose Caston, Manuel Recio Rufian, Esperanza Merino, Juan Carlos Rodriguez,Belen Loeches,Guillermo Cuervo, Jose Manuel Guerra Laso, Antonio Plata, Salvador Perez Cortes, Pablo Lopez Mato, Jose Luis Sierra Monzon,Clara Rosso-Fernandez, Josemaria Bravo-Ferrer,Pilar Retamar-Gentil,Jesus Rodriguez-Bano
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 83

#Citation: 1542

H-Index: 23

G-Index: 37

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 3

Activity: 36

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