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Yuri V. Kovchegov, Brandon Manley
Raktim Abir,Igor Akushevich,Tolga Altinoluk,Daniele Paolo Anderle,Fatma P. Aslan,Alessandro Bacchetta,Baha Balantekin,Joao Barata,Marco Battaglieri,Carlos A. Bertulani,Guillaume Beuf,Chiara Bissolotti,Daniël Boer,M. Boglione,Radja Boughezal,Eric Braaten,Nora Brambilla,Vladimir Braun,Duane Byer,Francesco Giovanni Celiberto,Yang-Ting Chien,Ian C. Cloët,Martha Constantinou,Wim Cosyn,Aurore Courtoy,Alexander Czajka,Umberto D'Alesio,Giuseppe Bozzi,Igor Danilkin, Debasish Das,Daniel de Florian,Andrea Delgado,J. P. B. C. de Melo,William Detmold,Michael Döring,Adrian Dumitru,Miguel G. Echevarria,Robert Edwards,Gernot Eichmann,Bruno El-Bennich,Michael Engelhardt,Cesar Fernandez-Ramirez,Christian Fischer, Geofrey Fox,Adam Freese,Leonard Gamberg,Maria Vittoria Garzelli,Francesco Giacosa,Gustavo Gil da Silveira,Derek Glazier,Victor P. Goncalves,Silas Grossberndt,Feng-Kun Guo,Rajan Gupta,Yoshitaka Hatta,Martin Hentschinski,Astrid Hiller Blin, Radja Boughezal,Timothy Hobbs,Alexander Ilyichev,Jamal Jalilian-Marian,Chueng-Ryong Ji, Shuo Jia,Zhong-Bo Kang,Bishnu Karki,Weiyao Ke,Vladimir Khachatryan,Dmitri Kharzeev,Spencer R. Klein,Vladimir Korepin,Yuri Kovchegov,Brandon Kriesten,Shunzo Kumano,Wai Kin Lai,Richard Lebed,Christopher Lee,Kyle Lee,Hai Tao Li, Jifeng Liao,Huey-Wen Lin,Keh-Fei Liu,Simonetta Liuti,Cédric Lorcé,Magno V. T. Machado,Heikki Mantysaari,Vincent Mathieu,Nilmani Mathur,Yacine Mehtar-Tani,Wally Melnitchouk,Emanuele Mereghetti,Andreas Metz,Johannes K. L. Michel,Gerald Miller, Hamlet Mkrtchyan,Asmita Mukherjee,Swagato Mukherjee,Piet Mulders,Stéphane Munier,Francesco Murgia,P. M. Nadolsky,John W Negele,Duff Neill,Jan Nemchik,E. Nocera,Vitalii Okorokov,Fredrick Olness,Barbara Pasquini,Chao Peng,Peter Petreczky,Frank Petriello,Alessandro Pilloni,Bernard Pire,Cristian Pisano,Daniel Pitonyak,Michal Praszalowicz,Alexei Prokudin,Jianwei Qiu,Marco Radici,Khépani Raya,Felix Ringer,Jennifer Rittenhouse West,Arkaitz Rodas,Simone Rodini,Juan Rojo,Farid Salazar,Elena Santopinto,Misak Sargsian,Nobuo Sato,Bjoern Schenke,Stella Schindler,Gunar Schnell,Peter Schweitzer,Ignazio Scimemi,Jorge Segovia,Kirill Semenov-Tian-Shansky,Phiala Shanahan, Ding-Yu Shao, Matt Sievert,Andrea Signori,Rajeev Singh, Vladi Skokov,Qin-Tao Song,Stanislav Srednyak,Iain W. Stewart,Raza Sabbir Sufian,Eric Swanson,Sergey Syritsyn,Adam Szczepaniak,Pawel Sznajder,Asli Tandogan,Yossathorn Tawabutr,A. Tawfik,John Terry,Tobias Toll,Oleksandr Tomalak,Fidele Twagirayezu,Raju Venugopalan,Ivan Vitev,Alexey Vladimirov,Werner Vogelsang,Ramona Vogt,Gojko Vujanovic,Wouter Waalewijn,Xiang-Peng Wang,Bo-Wen Xiao,Hongxi Xing,Yi-Bo Yang,Xiaojun Yao,Feng Yuan,Yong Zhao,Pia Zurita
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 169

#Citation: 10871

H-Index: 47

G-Index: 103

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 19

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