Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 280
#Citation: 8545
H-Index: 45
G-Index: 89
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 14
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Robert L Foote合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine and Science, Mayo Clinic80

Ma Daniel J合作论文数

Kenneth R. Olivier合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Florida College of Medicine50

Michelle Nebenwittich合作论文数

Paul D. Brown合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic39

Steven E. Schild合作论文数
Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic33

Sean Park合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic31

Katharine A. Price合作论文数
Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic;Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center30

Jeff A. Sloan合作论文数
Mayo Clinic27

Kenneth W. Merrell合作论文数
University of Oregon27

Robert C. Miller合作论文数
Mayo Clinic;Particle Therapy Cancer Research Institute, Oxford University26

Jeffrey D. Bradley合作论文数

Chris L. Hallemeier合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic26

Ping Yang合作论文数
Department of Medicine,Mayo Clinic College of Medicine25

Chintakuntlawar Ashish合作论文数

Stephen D. Cassivi合作论文数
Division of General Thoracic Surgery, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine24

Routman David M合作论文数
Department of Medicine, University of Southern California23

Randolph S. Marks合作论文数

William S. Harmsen合作论文数
Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, Mayo Clinic21

Robert L. Foote合作论文数

Samir Narayan合作论文数

Julian R. Molina合作论文数
Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic;Comprehensive Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic20

Bruce E. Pollock合作论文数
Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic;Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic;Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic20

Jan L. Kasperbauer合作论文数
School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic;Mayo Medical School20

Clifford G. Robinson合作论文数
Division of Clinical Research, Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis;Center for Advanced Medicine Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University;Barnes-Jewish Hospital;Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital20

Rebecca Paulus合作论文数

Jeffrey A. Bogart合作论文数
State University of New York Upstate Medical University20

Daniel L Price合作论文数

Michael J. Link合作论文数
Department of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic19

Marie-Christine Aubry合作论文数
Mayo Clinic19

Anja C Roden合作论文数

Ritsuko Komaki合作论文数
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center;Department of Radiation Oncology, Baylor College of Medicine;Department of Scientific Research, Baylor College of Medicine18

Vivek Kavadi合作论文数

James W. Welsh合作论文数
Department of Thoracic Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center;MolecularMatch18

Nadia N. Laack合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic17

S.H. Patel合作论文数

Scott Okuno合作论文数

McGee Lisa合作论文数

Jason Wampfler合作论文数

Gregory Masters合作论文数

Dennis Wigle合作论文数
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic;Department of Physiology & Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic16

William Breen合作论文数
Dept Radiat Oncol, Mayo Clin Rochester15

Blumenschein George R合作论文数

Joe Y. Chang合作论文数
Division of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center;Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center15

Christopher Koprowski合作论文数

Aminah Jatoi合作论文数
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic15

Chen Hu合作论文数

Adam P. Dicker合作论文数
Department of Radiation Oncology, Thomas Jefferson University14

Dawn Owen合作论文数
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