Dr. Zhang specializes in numerical modeling and theoretical study of atmospheric chemistry/air quality engineering. Her research interests include air pollution modeling and assessment, atmospheric chemistry and transport, chemistry and dynamics of atmospheric aerosols, sensitivity, uncertainty, and process analysis, and interactions among air quality, meteorology, and climate change. She led or contributed to the development, improvement, application, and evaluation of several major three-dimensional models on urban, regional, and global scales including STEM III, GChM, MIRAGE, SCICHEM, CMAQ, CMAQ-MADRID, CAMx, MM5, WRF, WRF/Chem, and CESM/CAM5. She utilized these models for studies on the long range transport of mineral dust and its interactions with tropospheric chemistry in East Asia; the formation and fate of tropospheric ozone and particulate matter in the U.S. and trans-pacific region; power plant plume chemistry and its impact on visibility in the U.S.; the effects of planetary boundary layer schemes, land-surface schemes, and cloud microphysics treatments on transport, transformation, and dry and wet deposition of air pollutants; global aerosol direct and indirect radiative forcing, feedbacks among chemistry, aerosol, cloud, radiation, and climate on regional and global scales. She led several comprehensive reviews of major modules for aerosol dynamics and thermodynamics, probing tools (e.g., sensitivity, process analysis, and mass balance analysis) for air quality models, agricultural air quality, online coupled meteorology-chemistry models, and real-time air quality forecasting. She has incorporated a state of the science aerosol module and multi-phase chemistry module into the EPA’s Models-3/Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System (referred to as CMAQ-MADRID), and the NOAA’s Weather Research and Forecasting/Chemistry Prediction System (referred to as WRF/Chem-MADRID). She led the development of a fully-coupled global-through-urban WRF/Chem (GU-WRF/Chem) model that provides a unified model framework to simulate both air quality and climate from global to urban scales, as well as the development and application of an Earth system model based on Community Earth System Model (CESM) that simulates interactions among air, water, land, forest, and eco-system. On urban and regional scales, she is applying several air quality models to conduct high resolution (1- to 4-km) simulations of urban and regional ozone and PM in the U.S., Mexico, China, and Europe, developing an integrated air quality, meteorology, and climate model for research-grade and real-time air quality forecasting applications, and studying major sources and health effects of PM. On a global scale, she is evaluating the impact of aerosol size representations and microphysical treatments on modeling of cloud-aerosol interactions and aerosol direct and indirect radiative forcing, developing a global-through-urban climate-chemistry-aerosol-cloud-radiation model for applications from global to freeway scales, and developing an Earth system model for applications on a global scale and downscaling to local-urban scales to simulate atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere and their interactions. Dr. Zhang is a recipient of the National Science Foundation Career Award, 2004. She authored or co-authored 142 peer-reviewed journal publications (135 published/in press and 8 in review), 38 peer-reviewed conference papers and technical reports and book chapters, 120 non-refereed conference papers and technical reports, and 405 conference presentations/invited seminars/lectures. The number of her publication citations from ISI Web of Sciences is 3703 and the h-index is 30 (as of July 26, 2016). The number of her publication citations from Google Scholar is 5500 and the h-index is 39 (as of July 26, 2016). She served as a technical committee member for review panels and conferences/workshops, session chair/co-chair at various conferences including AAAR, A&WMA, ASAAQ, AMS, and the Conference on Air Quality, as well as co-chair for the 2008/2009/2010/2011 AMS Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry. She was the chair of the Membership Committee of AAAR, and the chair of the AMS Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. She is a member of A&WMA, AAAR, AGU, AMS, and Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
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