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MegafaunaReconstructing Extin...Reconstructing ExtinctionsSynergistic Interact...Synergistic InteractionsMetapopulation Dynam...Metapopulation DynamicsEcological Mechanism...Ecological Mechanisms2022202420202025

Papers共 17 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Sean Haythorne, Damien A. Fordham, Stuart C. Brown,Jessie C. Buettel, Barry W. Brook
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 17

#Citation: 236

H-Index: 5

G-Index: 9

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 1

Activity: 4

  • 合作者
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Damien A. Fordham合作论文数
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide Research Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability10
Barry Brook合作论文数
School of Biological Sciences, University of Tasmania7
Stuart C Brown合作论文数
Jeremy Austin合作论文数
Department of Environmental Biology, University of Adelaide5
Carsten Rahbek合作论文数
Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen;Villum Center for Global Mountain Biodiversity, Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen;Chinese Academy of Sciences4
Julia Pilowsky合作论文数
Sch Biol Sci, Univ Adelaide3
David Nogués Bravo合作论文数
Section for Biodiversity, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen3
Mark Lomolino合作论文数
Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York3
Damien Fordham合作论文数
Jessie C. Buettel合作论文数
ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage2
k c chan合作论文数
Sch Business, Univ Southern Queensland2
Benjamin Blonder合作论文数
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley2
Joel Kevin Shoemaker合作论文数
Atholl John Anderson合作论文数
Department of Archaeology and Natural History, Australian National University2
Janet Wilmshurst合作论文数
School of Environment, Faculty of Science, The University of Auckland2
Ed Armstrong合作论文数
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory2
Andrew Skabar合作论文数
Skanalytix Pty Ltd2
H. Resit Akçakaya合作论文数
Department of Ecology and Evolution, College of Arts and Sciences, Stony Brook University2
Sean Tomlinson合作论文数
Jamie R. Wood合作论文数
Joslin Diabetes Center2
George Perry合作论文数
School of Environment, Faculty of Science, The University of Auckland2
Thomas Botterill-James合作论文数
Eline Lorenzen合作论文数
Elisabetta Canteri合作论文数
Environm Inst, Univ Adelaide1
Calum X. Cunningham合作论文数
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington1
Christopher A. Johnson合作论文数
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Washington1
Alba Rey-Iglesia合作论文数
Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen;Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen1
Richard Duncan合作论文数
Centre for Conservation Ecology and Genomics, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra1
Tom M L Wigley合作论文数
School of Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide1
Frederik Saltre合作论文数
CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS - Université de Montpellier - Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier - EPHE;School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide;CNRS - Université de Montpellier, The University of Adelaide1
Hervé Bocherens合作论文数
Laboratoire de Biogeochimie Isotopique, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS–INRA, UMR 7618, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France1
Mario Krapp合作论文数
GNS Science;Victoria University of Wellington1
David Forsyth合作论文数
Siebel School of Computing and Data Science, The Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign1
Andrea Manica合作论文数
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge1
Bette Otto-Bliesner合作论文数
Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research1
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