Education and training
Stefania Albonetti obtained a first Master degree in Industrial Chemistry from Bologna University in 1992. During her studies, in 1989 she won an Erasmus fellowship that allowed her to spend one year (October 1989 - June 1990) at the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK) where she obtained the University Diploma with merit in Chemistry.
She obtained her PhD degree in 1996 from the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Professors Trifirò and Cavani in collaboration with the French Company Rhône-Poulenc (now Rhodia Solvay) in the frame of a collaborative project on the development of innovative catalysts for propane ammonoxidation to acrilonitrile. During her Ph.D period, she was visiting scientist at: CNRS – Institut de Recherchers sur la catalyse – Lyon, France (Prof. Volta), Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain (Prof. Fierro), Rhone Poulenc – Paris- France (Dr. Burattin), Lonza Alusuisse, Scanzorosciate, Bergamo, Italy (Dr. Mazzoni).
Professional experience
From 1995 to 2001, she was “Group leader in Catalyst Research and Development” group in Lonza SpA (now Polynt), Alusuissegroup, Scanzorosciate, Bergamo (Italy). In this period, she was devoted to the development of new heterogeneous catalysts to be used in oxidation reactions, to the scale-up of the industrial synthetic procedure for preparing these materials and to the optimization of industrial processes both in fixed and in fluidized bed reactors.
In June 2001, she was appointed Assistant Professor and joined the Department of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Bologna, in the field of Industrial Chemistry and from 2014 she is Associate Professor in Industrial Chemistry of the same Department. In 2017 she obtained the qualification of Full Professor in Industrial Chemistry from MIUR and from November 2023 will be Full professor at the Bologna University
Prof. Albonetti is member of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) - (Industrial Chemistry), of the Group of Catalysis (GIC) and of the Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM). She is Referee for journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the American Chemical Society, Elsevier, and Springer and for funding agencies in Italy (MIUR-FIRB) and abroad (FNRS-Belgium, FNSNF-Suisse…).
Major research interests of Prof. Albonetti are in the field of Industrial Chemistry, more specifically, in the development of heterogeneous catalysts and materials to be used in various fields of industrial chemistry for the production of fuels and chemicals and for environment protection. During her period at the University, she has been supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 70 master thesis and 20 Ph.D. works, with many of them in collaboration and co-tutelle scheme with other important European Universities.
Prof. Albonetti has managed relations with scientific national and international working groups, and she has been responsible in the years for many collaboration projects between her Department and Industrial Companies (Solvay, Hera, Millennium, Daunia Solar Cell, CiBA, BASF). Moreover, she is Researcher associated to the CNR-ISSMC (Istituto di Scienza, Tecnologia e Sostenibilità per lo Sviluppo dei Materiali Ceramici) in Faenza (RA).
She is co-author of 13 international patents, 130 papers on international journals, 8 book chapters and more than 200 communications at National and International Meetings.
From 2013 she is coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate Program in Industrial Sustainable Chemistry (SINCHEM - www.sinchem.eu), funded by the European Union. This projecthas brought to the SINCHEM Consortium around 5 million Euro. Within this project, Prof. Albonetti has organized different schools for PhD students, and she has been invited at many congresses where the future of PhD was the main topic (The EU2014 conference (InterDoc2014) ‘International, Intersectoral, and Interdisciplinary: the triple “i” approach to doctoral training’, 2014; The Future of the doctorate, Organized by the European Commission in Riga, 2015.
In 2016, she published as Editor in collaboration with Prof. F. Cavani, Prof. F. Basile and Prof. A. Gandini the book “Chemicals and Fuels from Bio-Based Building Blocks” 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
In 2019 with Prof. A. Quadrelli and S. Perathoner the book “Horizons in Sustainable Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis” Volume 178 – Elsevier.
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#Papers: 172
#Citation: 4497
H-Index: 37
G-Index: 60
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 8
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