Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 218
#Citation: 9240
H-Index: 44
G-Index: 93
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 27
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Tanner Michael G合作论文数
Sch Engn & Phys Sci, Heriot Watt Univ57

Chandra M. Natarajan合作论文数
Heriot-Watt University54

Sae Woo Nam合作论文数
University of Colorado Boulder;National Institute of Standards and Technology48

Shigehito Miki合作论文数
Superconductive ICT Device Laboratory, Kobe Frontier Research Center, Advanced ICT Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology;Nano ICT Group, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology37

Val Zwiller合作论文数

Hirotaka Terai合作论文数
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology29

Dorenbos Sander N合作论文数

Burm Baek合作论文数
National Institute of Standards and Technology24

Jeremy O'Brien合作论文数
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Physics, University of Bristol22

Damien Bonneau合作论文数

Gerald S. Buller合作论文数
Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University;Helia Photonics Ltd.21

Mikio Fujiwara合作论文数

Gregor G Taylor合作论文数

D. Morozov合作论文数

Taro Yamashita合作论文数

Gemmell Nathan R合作论文数
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance and School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University17

Kleanthis Erotokritou合作论文数
University of Glasgow16

Molly-Gabriella America Thompson合作论文数
university of bristol16

Robert Martyn Heath合作论文数
Univ. of Glasgow;c;Univ. of Glasgow16

Richard Mirin合作论文数
Applied Physics Division, Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology15

Mark G. Thompson合作论文数

Joshua W. Silverstone合作论文数
HH Wills Phys Lab, Univ Bristol13

Marty Stevens合作论文数
National Institute of Standards and Technology13

John Rarity合作论文数
School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol13

Matteo Clerici合作论文数
Department of Physics;University of Insubria;Department of Physics, University of Insubria13

Corin Gawith合作论文数
University of Southampton13

Masahide Sasaki合作论文数
Department of the Clinical Laboratory, Kochi Medical School13

A. Casaburi合作论文数
Istituto di Cibernetica “E. Caianiello” del C.N.R.12

Aongus Mccarthy合作论文数
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University12

Robert Kirkwood合作论文数

Masahiro Yabuno合作论文数
Natl Inst Informat & Commun Technol, Adv ICT Res Inst, Nishi Ku, 588-2 Iwaoka, Kobe, Hyogo 6512492, Japan11

Yoshihisa Yamamoto合作论文数
National Chiao Tung University;Physics and Informatics Laboratories, NTT Research, Inc.;Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University11

Jason S. Pelc合作论文数
Edward L Ginzton Lab, Stanford Univ11

Richard J. Warburton合作论文数
Departement Physik, Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, University of Basel10

Mark Blamire合作论文数
Device Materials Group, University of Cambridge;Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge10

Sven Höfling合作论文数
Gottfried-Landwehr-Labor fuer Nanotechnologien, University of Würzburg10

Martin Kamp合作论文数
Microstructure Laboratory, Universität Würzburg10

Adetunmise Dada合作论文数

J. L. O'Brien合作论文数

Mehdi Ebrahim合作论文数

Taylor Shields合作论文数
James Watt Sch Engn, Univ Glasgow9

Lucia Caspani合作论文数

Prabhakar Shashi合作论文数

Leo Yu合作论文数

Zhen Wang (王镇)合作论文数
Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Microelectronics, University of Science and Technology of China9

Martin M. Fejer合作论文数
Fejer Group, Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University9

Michael Kues合作论文数

Archan Banerjee合作论文数
Quantum Nanoelect Lab, Univ Calif Berkeley8

Alex Clark合作论文数
School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol8
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