
Roberto Ferrise is associate professor at the Department of Agriculture, food, environment and forestry (DAGRI) of the University of Florence. He was graduated with honours in Agricultural Sciences (University of Florence, Italy) in 2005. In 2010 he discussed the PhD thesis on “Climate change risk assessment for durum wheat” at the University of Sassari (Italy).
Since 2005 he collaborated with the University of Florence and with the Institute of Bio-meteorology of the National Research Council (CNR-IBIMET) working on the application of crop growth simulation models to assess the response of crops to climate change and to explore mitigation and adaptation strategies in agriculture. Within these activities, he was involved in several international and national projects (AgMIP, MACSUR, SmartSOIL, CIRCE, ENSEMBLES, AGER frumento-duro, SYSTEMIC).
He is lecturer of the courses "Land Evaluation ", "Agroclimatology", Cambiamenti Climatici ed ecosistemi" (“Climate Change and Ecosystems”) and “strumenti per una coltivazione sostenibile e di precisione” (“Tools for sustainable and precision agriculture”) at the School of Agriculture of the University of Florence. In 2018 and 2015, he was lecturer at the training courses organized by the Regional Training Center of the World Meteorological Organization, WMO-RTC-Italy. He is co-author of 60 papers on refereed international journals dealing with agrometeorology, crop modelling, climate change, eco-physiology (Scopus H-index = 24). He is member of the European Society of Agronomy and of the Italian Society of Agronomy. He is in the editorial board of the Florence University Press and of the journal “Agronomy”. He is referee of several National and International Journals.
His main research activities concern agrometeorology, ecophysiology and crop modelling with a specific focus on the assessment of the impact of climate change on typical Mediterranean crops (i.e. durum wheat, grapevine, olive) and the investigation of possible adaptation and mitigation strategies to cope with. He worked on the coupling of crop simulation models with medium-term weather forecasts (1-6 months) for the application in precision agriculture. He is currently working on the identification of working adaptation strategies and related uncertainties for agricultural crops by using multi-model ensembles and climate probabilistic projections. Further interests are the use of crop modelling for designing future climate resilient crops as an adaptation measure as well as improving crop simulation models by incorporating the effects of pests and diseases.
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#Papers: 139
#Citation: 4727
H-Index: 33
G-Index: 68
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 12
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