Praveen Krishna Chitneedi
Genome Physiology Unit, Institute of Genome Biology,
Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany 18196
praveenchitneedi@gmail.com , (0049) 015237280532
At present I am working at FBN (near Rostock), as Research scientist in Bioinformatics with a temporary contract. In my current job, I am involved in an international project BovReg related to bovine regulatory genomics. In this project, I integrate multi layers of omic and phenotype data, which include transcriptomic, metabolomics to investigate the possible associations. I developed diverse bioinformatics pipelines using Bash scripts and NextFlow workflows and adopted docker container to use diverse software tools and packages in R and python.
I published four papers as first author, two papers as co-author in international journals and attended multiple conferences. I was awarded travel bursary and excellent poster award at ISAG 2016 international conference of animal genetics for my work on selective sweep analysis.
As a part of my PhD research, I was trained and gained experience in handling large amount of genomic data on grid computers and performed differential gene expression, variant discovery and long non-coding RNA detection with sequence data from nematode infected sheep. I did graduation in Biotechnology and masters in Life Science Informatics. I got an opportunity to work as an Early-Stage researcher in Marie Curie project related to parasitology on nematode resistant traits in Spanish Churra sheep, in this project I worked as a Bioinformatician to find the quantitative trait loci and genes related to nematode infection in sheep with imputed genomic data. I presented those results in a national conference in Spain, satisfied with my work my coordinator prolonged my contract and then I was selected for doctoral scholarship in the field of animal genetics with competitive grant awarded by European social fund and Spain regional government.
As student assistant, I worked in Translucent project related to Systems Biology of Microorganisms and developed “Oligo lib” web tool using Web2py database frame in Linux environment which is a primer search tool, it is available in life-science data base pyMantis. I had 8 years’ experience working on Linux scripting, R and Python. In the process to fulfill my job tasks and academic requirements I gained experience in writing pseudo codes, machine learning algorithms, Statistics, C++, Java, MATLAB, HTML, SQL and Chemo informatics tools.
Praveen Krishna Chitneedi
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#Papers: 15
#Citation: 83
H-Index: 4
G-Index: 7
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 1
Activity: 1
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