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Research Interests

Papers共 25 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Mohammed Alfatih,Khabab Abbasher Hussien Mohamed Ahmed,Radi Tofaha Alhusseini,Elfatih A Hasabo,Lina Hemmeda,Walaa Elnaiem, Rua Isameldin Bakhiet Mohamed, Monzer Omer Ahmed Abdalla, Khadija Ala Abdalmaqsud Muhmmed, Osama Mohammed Nowar Taha, Yaman Shurki Adel Husni Yousef, Rawan Raad Hassan Alrufai, Ahmed Emadaldeen Ahmed Mohammed Alamin, Muzamil Musa Mohamed Musa, Saida Abdallah Mohammed Taha Abdallah,Mohammed Mahmmoud Fadelallah Eljack, Basaier Mohammed Alamaldeen Kharif, Areej Imad Aldeen Mohamed Idris, Sara Mohamed Abdalla Idris,Mohamed Ahmed Abugibba Mohamed, Malaz Salah Osman Gurashi,Mohammed Alfateh Omer Mohammed, Ahmed Bukhari Mohamed Ahmed, Isra Mohamed Hassan Nasr, Abdlrhman Saeed Mohammed Saeed,Mohammed Eltahier Abdalla Omer,Ahmed ElSayed,Mohannad Abdalfdeel Almahie Shaban
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 25

#Citation: 50

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 2

Activity: 14

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