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Patrick Berndt,Gregor Jansen, Chengwen Wu,Babette Schade,David Y Thomas,Malcolm Whiteway,Robert B Abramovitch, Guangyu Yang,James W Kronstad,Robin Holliday,Christian Aichinger,Kenny M Hansson,Heiko Eichhorn,Franziska Lessing,Gertrud Mannhaupt,Werner Mewes,Regine Kahmann,Flora Banuett,Ira Herskowitz,Clemens Bechinger, K F Giebel,Martin Schnell,Paul Leiderer,Holger B Deising,Martin Bastmeyer,Ricardo M Biondi,Agnieszka Kieloch, R Currie,Maria Deak,Dario R Alessi,Timothy M Bourett, R J Howard,Andreas Brachmann,Julian Konig,Christian Julius,Michael Feldbrugge,Ping Chen,Kyong Sei Lee,David E Levin,Nadine Cybulski,Michael N Hall,Kirk J Czymmek, Y Shao,Todd M Dezwaan,James A Sweigard, M Di Stasio,Thomas Brefort,Artemio Mendozamendoza,Karin Munch,Martin B Dickman, Y S Ha, Z Yang, Bernhard W Adams,Chihtsun Huang,Gunther Doehlemann,Matthias Hahn, K Van Der Linde, D Assmann,Daniela Schwammbach,Alexander Hof, A K Mohanty,David R Jackson,Ramon Wahl,Miroslav Vranes, R P De Vries,Jorg Kamper,N E El Gueddari,Una Rauchhaus,Bruno M Moerschbacher,Gero Steinberg, U Fuchs,Gerd Hause,Isabel Schuchardt,Maria Isabel Geli, H Riezman, D Gelperin,L D Horton, Anne Dechant,Jack O Hensold,Sandra K Lemmon,Steven K Hanks, T Hunter,Stephen B Helliwell,I Howald, N Barbet,Charles S Hoffman, Fred Winston, M Ferrari,D Roach,Nicholas P Money,B Valent,Neide Miho Ishida, Shizuo Akai,Y Kamada, Yohsuke Fujioka,Nobuo Suzuki,Fuyuhiko Inagaki,Stan D Wullschleger,Robbie Loewith,Yoshinori Ohsumi,Michael Bolker, L J Ma,Barry J Saville,Scott E Gold,Olaf Muller,Michael H Perlin,H A Wosten,Jose Ruizherrera,Cristina G Reynagapena, M Mccann,Jose Perezmartin,Christoph W Basse,Jose I Ibeas,William K Holloman,Plinio Guzman,Mark Farman,Jason E Stajich,Rafael Sentandreu,Juan Manuel Gonzalezprieto,John C Kennell,L M Molina,Jan Schirawski,Doris Greilinger,Nicole Rossel,Mario Scherer,Oliver Ladendorf,Volker Vincon,Bjorn Sandrock, Song Meng, Eric Ch Ho,Matt J Cahill,Kylie J Boyce, J Klose,Steven J Klosterman,Heine J Deelstra,Lucila Ortizcastellanos, Wenfei Li,Patricia Sanchezalonso,Peter Schreier, Isolde Hauserhahn, M Vaupel,Edda Koopmann,Gabi Friedrich, H Voss, T Schluter,Jonathan Scott Margolis,Darren Platt,Candace Swimmer,Andreas Gnirke,Feng Chen,Valentina Vysotskaia,Ulrich Guldener,Martin Munsterkotter,Dirk Haase,Matthias Oesterheld, H W Mewes,Evan Mauceli,Dave Decaprio, C M Wade, J N Butler,Sarah Young,David B Jaffe,Sarah E Calvo,Chad Nusbaum,James E Galagan,Bruce W Birren,Daniel R Knighton,J H Zheng,L F Ten Eyck,V A Ashford,N H Xuong,Stephen S Taylor,Janusz M Sowadski,P E Kolattukudy,Linda Rogers, Dexin Li,C S Hwang,M A Flaishman,K Kubo,Shigeo Ohno, S Matsumoto,Ichiro Yahara, Kazuhiro Suzuki,Carol A Kumamoto,Daniel Lanver,Gabriel Loubradou, Tomoaki Matsuo, Yusuke Kubo,Y Watanabe,Masayuki Yamamoto, R Maurer, C A Mcgoldrick, C Gruver,Gregory S May,Kurt Mendgen,Armin Djamei,Carolin Weise,Uwe Linne,Mohamed A Marahiel, W M Morton,Kathryn R Ayscough,Paul J Mclaughlin,Masako Osumi, M Sato,Sanae A Ishijima,Mami Konomi, T Takagi, Hiromasa Yaguchi,Laura R Pearce,David Komander,Hans Edgar Reis,Stefanie Pfiffi,Francoise M Roelants,Pamela D Torrance,Natalie A Bezman,Jeremy Thorner,Joseph Sambrook, E Frisch,Tom Maniatis,Heidi U Bohnert,Lubica Adamikowa, Barbara Schulz,Mads R Dahl, Richard B Schlesinger,William R Schafer, Tracey A Martin,Stephan Seiler,Michael Plamann,Karen M Snetselaar,Charles W Mims,Tilman Spellig,Arnaud Bottin,Zoltan Szabo, M Tonnis, H Kessler,Daisuke Tanoue,Takao Kobayashi, Yunguang Sun, T Fujita,Hiromu Takematsu,Yasunori Kozutsumi, Aysun Toker,Alexandra C Newton, S L Tucker,Maria I Besi,Rita Galhano,M Franceschetti, Sebastian Goetz,Steven Lenhert,Anne Osbourn,Ane Sesma,Nicholas J Talbot,Bart Vanhaesebroeck,Isabella Weber, Christian W Gruber,Joseph G H Wessels, Qi Wu,Tanya M Sandrock,B G Turgeon,O C Yoder,Stefan Gr Wirsel,James R Aist, Hui Xu,Roxanne A Yamashita, Lili Yu,L Pena Castillo,Sanie Mnaimneh,Timothy R Hughes,Grant W Brown
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