Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 313
#Citation: 5198
H-Index: 39
G-Index: 58
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 4
Activity: 15
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Xusheng Wang (王旭升)合作论文数
School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing100

Xiaowei Jiang (蒋小伟)合作论文数
China University of Geosciences, Beijing82

Qingfei Wang (王庆飞)合作论文数
East China University of Technology36

Sihai Liang (梁四海)合作论文数
School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences – Beijing28

Hailong Li (李海龙)合作论文数
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology25

Jun Deng (邓军)合作论文数
State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)23

FuSheng Hu (胡伏生)合作论文数

Junzhi Wang合作论文数

Xiaomei Jin (金晓媚)合作论文数
School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences – Beijing18

Liqiang Yang (杨立强)合作论文数
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)14

WenBing Cao (曹文炳)合作论文数

Tian Chyi Jim Yeh合作论文数
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, The University of Arizona12

Zhi-Yuan Zhang合作论文数

Huan Liu (刘欢)合作论文数
School of Automation, China University of Geosciences11

Shemin Ge合作论文数
Department of Geological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder10

Deqiang Mao (毛德强)合作论文数
School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University10

Yinhong Wang (王银宏)合作论文数
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)10

Yuqing Feng合作论文数
College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University9

Xingxing Kuang (匡星星)合作论文数
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology9

Zhongbo Su (Bob)合作论文数
Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation, University of Twente/ITC Netherlands8

Yijian Zeng合作论文数
China University of Geosciences, University of Twente8

Cheng-Haw Lee合作论文数
Natl Cheng Kung Univ, National Cheng-Kung University8

Kuo-Chin Hsu合作论文数
Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University8

Yangxiao Zhou (周仰效)合作论文数
IHE Delft Inst Water Educ7

BangFei Gao (高帮飞)合作论文数

Xun Zhou (周训)合作论文数
School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences – Beijing7

Yunong Zhang (张雨浓)合作论文数
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University7

Pengfei Han (韩鹏飞)合作论文数
College of Food Science, Southwest University7

Bill X. Hu合作论文数

Heng Wang合作论文数

Ke-Yu Zhao合作论文数

HuaMing Guo (郭华明)合作论文数
China University of Geosciences6

Xuejing Wang合作论文数
China University of Geosciences, China University of Geosciences6

Wenxi Lu (卢文喜)合作论文数
College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University6

Xiaocheng Deng (邓小成)合作论文数

Kaizhu Qian (钱开铸)合作论文数

Hongbin Yan合作论文数

Chaoyue Wang合作论文数

Lv Jingjing (吕京京)合作论文数

Pan Wu合作论文数

Guangjun Wang (王广军)合作论文数
School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing5

Lizhu Hou (侯立柱)合作论文数
School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences – Beijing5

Qingjie Gong (龚庆杰)合作论文数
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing5

Guilin Han (韩贵琳)合作论文数
China University of Geosciences, Beijing5

Jet-Chau Wen合作论文数
Department of Safety Health and Environmental Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology5

Shu-Cong Tan合作论文数

Tao-Tao Ji合作论文数

Binbin Qiu合作论文数
Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Technol, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, Peoples R China4

Hong Zhang合作论文数
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