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Papers共 185 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Louisa Gnatiuc,William G. Herrington,Jim Halsey,Jaakko Tuomilehto,Xianghau Fang,Hyeon C. Kim,Dirk DeBacquer,Annette J. Dobson,Michael H. Criqui,David R. Jacobs,David A. Leon,Sanne A. E. Peters,Hirotsugu Ueshima,Paul Sherliker,Richard Peto,Rory Collins,Rachel R. Huxley,Jonathan R. Emberson,Mark Woodward,Sarah Lewington,G. De Backer,D. De Bacquer,M. Kornitzer, R. Morris,S. G. Wannamethee,P. Whincup,M. Law,J. Morris,N. Wald,D. Kromhout,A. Benetos,L. Guize,G. Jensen,P. Schnohr,P. Jousilahti,P. Puska,J. Tuomilehto,E. Vartiainen,A. Aromaa,P. Knekt,A. Reunanen,N. Borup Johansen,T. Thomsen,C. Bengtsson,C. Bjorkelund,L. Lissner,U. Goldbourt,R. Selmer,A. Tverdal,T. Meade, L. Haheim,I. Hjermann,I. Holme,P. Leren,P. Ducimetiere,J. Empana,G. Assmann,H. Schulte,G. Davey Smith,C. Hart,D. Hole,H. Tunstall-Pedoe,P. Sweetnam,J. Yarnell, E. Arnesen,K. Bonaa,D. A. Leon,M. Marmot,M. Shipley,C. Gillis,L. Chambless,M. Luszcz,S. S. Dhaliwal,T. A. Welborn, H. Bartholomew,M. W. Knuiman,R. Kronmal,P. J. Nietert,S. E. Sutherland,D. L. Bachman, P. Gazes,E. Boyle,R. Jackson,S. MacMahon,R. Norton,G. Whitlock,R. D'Agostino, D. Levy,H. Silbershatz,J. D. Curb,D. Sharp,G. G. Giles, S. Hashimoto,K. Sakata,H. Blackburn,D. Jacobs,R. Luepker,A. Dobson,C. Cox,R. Broadhurst,M. Hobbs,K. Jamrozik,M. Garcia-Palmieri,P. Sorlie,J. Keller,M. Guasch-Ferre,F. Hu,W. Willett,H. Eliassen,H. Maegawa,A. Okayama,H. Ueshima,N. Aoki,M. Nakamura,Z. L. Wu,X. Shifu,A. Tamakoshi,P. Sritara,D. F. Gu,C. Q. Jiang,T. H. Lam,S. C. Ho,J. Woo,H. Iso,A. Kitamura,S. Sato,T. Murayama, Y. Nishimoto, M. Tomita,S. H. Jee,I. S. Kim,I. Suh,Y. Kita,I. Niki,Y. Naito,A. Hozawa,Y. Imai,T. Ohkubo, K. Imai,C. Date, T. Nakayama, T. Yokoyama,N. Yoshiike,H. Tanaka,A. Nozaki,H. Horibe,M. Kagaya,Y. Matsutani,K. Hughes,J. Lee,D. Heng,S. Saitoh,K. Shimamoto,W. H. Pan,S. X. Yao,S. Lewington,R. Peto,C. Baigent,J. Carstensen,Z. Chen,R. Clarke,R. Collins,S. Duffy,J. Neaton,N. Qizilbash,A. Rodgers, S. Tominaga,S. Tornberg,D. Bennett,D. Gu,R. Huxley,M. Woodward, X. H. Zhang
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 181

#Citation: 15061

H-Index: 49

G-Index: 121

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 4

Activity: 1

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