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Richard Anney,Lambertus Klei,Dalila Pinto,Regina Regan,Judith Conroy,Tiago R. Magalhaes,Catarina Correia,Brett S. Abrahams,Nuala Sykes,Alistair T. Pagnamenta,Joana Almeida,Elena Bacchelli,Anthony J. Bailey,Gillian Baird,Agatino Battaglia,Tom Berney,Nadia Bolshakova,Sven Boelte,Patrick F. Bolton,Thomas Bourgeron,Sean Brennan,Jessica Brian,Andrew R. Carson,Guillermo Casallo,Jillian Casey,Su H. Chu,Lynne Cochrane,Christina Corsello,Emily L. Crawford,Andrew Crossett,Geraldine Dawson,Maretha de Jonge,Richard Delorme,Irene Drmic,Eftichia Duketis,Frederico Duque,Annette Estes,Penny Farrar,Bridget A. Fernandez,Susan E. Folstein,Eric Fombonne,Christine M. Freitag,John Gilbert,Christopher Gillberg,Joseph T. Glessner,Jeremy Goldberg,Jonathan Green,Stephen J. Guter,Hakon Hakonarson,Elizabeth A. Heron,Matthew Hill,Richard Holt,Jennifer L. Howe,Gillian Hughes,Vanessa Hus,Roberta Igliozzi,Cecilia Kim,Sabine M. Klauck,Alexander Kolevzon,Olena Korvatska,Vlad Kustanovich,Clara M. Lajonchere,Janine A. Lamb, Magdalena Laskawiec,Marion Leboyer,Ann Le Couteur,Bennett L. Leventhal,Anath C. Lionel,Xiao-Qing Liu,Catherine Lord,Linda Lotspeich,Sabata C. Lund,Elena Maestrini,William Mahoney,Carine Mantoulan,Christian R. Marshall,Helen McConachie,Christopher J. McDougle,Jane McGrath,William M. McMahon,Nadine M. Melhem,Alison Merikangas,Ohsuke Migita,Nancy J. Minshew,Ghazala K. Mirza,Jeff Munson,Stanley F. Nelson,Carolyn Noakes,Abdul Noor,Gudrun Nygren,Guiomar Oliveira,Katerina Papanikolaou,Jeremy R. Parr,Barbara Parrini,Tara Paton,Andrew Pickles,Joseph Piven, David J. osey,Annemarie Poustka,Fritz Poustka,Aparna Prasad,Jiannis Ragoussis, Katy Renshaw,Jessica Rickaby,Wendy Roberts,Kathryn Roeder,Bernadette Roge,Michael L. Rutter,Laura J. Bierut,John P. Rice,Jeff Salt, Katherine Sansom,Daisuke Sato,Ricardo Segurado,Lili Senman,Naisha Shah,Val C. Sheffield,Latha Soorya,Ines Sousa,Vera Stoppioni,Christina Strawbridge,Raffaella Tancredi,Katherine Tansey,Bhooma Thiruvahindrapduram,Ann P. Thompson,Susanne Thomson,Ana Tryfon,John Tsiantis,Herman Van Engeland,John B. Vincent,Fred Volkmar,Simon Wallace,Kai Wang,Zhouzhi Wang,Thomas H. Wassink,Kirsty Wing,Kerstin Wittemeyer,Shawn Wood,Brian L. Yaspan,Danielle Zurawiecki,Lonnie Zwaigenbaum,Catalina Betancur,Joseph D. Buxbaum,Rita M. Cantor,Edwin H. Cook,Hilary Coon,Michael L. Cuccaro,Louise Gallagher,Daniel H. Geschwind,Michael Gill,Jonathan L. Haines,Judith Miller,Anthony P. Monaco,John I. Nurnberger,Andrew D. Paterson,Margaret A. Pericak-Vance,Gerard D. Schellenberg,Stephen W. Scherer,James S. Sutcliffe,Peter Szatmari,Astrid M. Vicente,Veronica J. Vieland,Ellen M. Wijsman,Bernie Devlin,Sean Ennis,Joachim Hallmayer
Dalila Pinto,Alistair T. Pagnamenta,Lambertus Klei,Richard Anney,Daniele Merico,Regina Regan,Judith Conroy,Tiago R. Magalhaes,Catarina Correia,Brett S. Abrahams,Joana Almeida,Elena Bacchelli,Gary D. Bader,Anthony J. Bailey,Gillian Baird,Agatino Battaglia,Tom Berney,Nadia Bolshakova,Sven Bölte,Patrick F. Bolton,Thomas Bourgeron,Sean Brennan,Jessica Brian,Susan E. Bryson,Andrew R. Carson,Guillermo Casallo,Jillian Casey,Brian H.Y. Chung,Lynne Cochrane,Christina Corsello,Emily L. Crawford,Andrew Crossett,Cheryl Cytrynbaum,Geraldine Dawson,Maretha de Jonge,Richard Delorme,Irene Drmic,Eftichia Duketis,Frederico Duque,Annette Estes,Penny Farrar,Bridget A. Fernandez,Susan E. Folstein,Eric Fombonne,Christine M. Freitag,John Gilbert,Christopher Gillberg, Joseph T. Glessner,Jeremy Goldberg,Andrew Green,Jonathan Green,Stephen J. Guter,Hakon Hakonarson,Elizabeth A. Heron,Matthew Hill,Richard Holt,Jennifer L. Howe,Gillian Hughes,Vanessa Hus,Roberta Igliozzi,Cecilia Kim,Sabine M. Klauck,Alexander Kolevzon,Olena Korvatska,Vlad Kustanovich,Clara M. Lajonchere,Janine A. Lamb, Magdalena Laskawiec,Marion Leboyer,Ann Le Couteur,Bennett L. Leventhal,Anath C. Lionel,Xiao-Qing Liu,Catherine Lord,Linda Lotspeich,Sabata C. Lund,Elena Maestrini,William Mahoney,Carine Mantoulan,Christian R. Marshall,Helen McConachie,Christopher J. McDougle,Jane McGrath,William M. McMahon,Alison Merikangas,Ohsuke Migita,Nancy J. Minshew,Ghazala K. Mirza,Jeff Munson,Stanley F. Nelson,Carolyn Noakes,Abdul Noor,Gudrun Nygren,Guiomar Oliveira,Katerina Papanikolaou,Jeremy R. Parr,Barbara Parrini,Tara Paton,Andrew Pickles,Marion Pilorge,Joseph Piven,Chris P. Ponting,David J. Posey,Annemarie Poustka,Fritz Poustka,Aparna Prasad,Jiannis Ragoussis, Katy Renshaw,Jessica Rickaby,Wendy Roberts,Kathryn Roeder,Bernadette Roge,Michael L. Rutter,Laura J. Bierut,John P. Rice,Jeff Salt, Katherine Sansom,Daisuke Sato,Ricardo Segurado,Ana F. Sequeira,Lili Senman,Naisha Shah,Val C. Sheffield,Latha Soorya,Inês Sousa, Olaf Stein,Nuala Sykes,Vera Stoppioni,Christina Strawbridge,Raffaella Tancredi,Katherine Tansey,Bhooma Thiruvahindrapduram,Ann P. Thompson,Susanne Thomson,Ana Tryfon,John Tsiantis,Herman Van Engeland,John B. Vincent,Fred Volkmar,Simon Wallace,Kai Wang,Zhouzhi Wang,Thomas H. Wassink,Caleb Webber,Rosanna Weksberg,Kirsty Wing,Kerstin Wittemeyer,Shawn Wood,Jing Wu,Brian L. Yaspan,Danielle Zurawiecki,Lonnie Zwaigenbaum,Joseph D. Buxbaum,Rita M. Cantor,Edwin H. Cook,Hilary Coon,Michael L. Cuccaro,Bernie Devlin,Sean Ennis,Louise Gallagher,Daniel H. Geschwind,Michael Gill,Jonathan L. Haines,Joachim Hallmayer,Judith Miller,Anthony P. Monaco,John I. Nurnberger Jr,Andrew D. Paterson,Margaret A. Pericak-Vance,Gerard D. Schellenberg,Peter Szatmari,Astrid M. Vicente,Veronica J. Vieland,Ellen M. Wijsman,Stephen W. Scherer,James S. Sutcliffe,Catalina Betancur
Author Statistics

#Papers: 5

#Citation: 3551

H-Index: 5

G-Index: 5

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 0

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