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Research Interests

Papers共 3 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Robert Johnson,Wayland Baptist,Willy Wood,Nathan Taylor,DARTMOUTH COLLEGE,Barry Harwick,Frank Haggerty, Charlie Powell,Western Kentucky, Mike Brady,Dan Ireland, Jon Anderson, Tom Spengler,Karl Thornton, Tom Shiland,David Merrick,Philip Ritson,Carl Thornton,Robert Childs, Julio Piazza,Ricardo Rojas, Drew Mearns,John Quirk, Ron Vander Kratts, Ray Fitzgibbon, Denis Fikes, James Rafferty, Kent Staver, Ron Bunnell,James Keefe,Paul Heck,Peter Christ, Larry Trachtenberg,John Cabell,Peter Fitzsimmons,Dan Schlesinger, Dean Stephens, Reed Eichner,Stein Rafto, Deane Stephens,Bruce Bond, Jerry Kooymans, Peter Pfitzinger, Mike Wyckoff,Ed Sheehan, John Murphy, Dan Challener,Dan Predmore, Wally Collins, David Olds, Blaze Tatananni, Tom Ratcliffe, Brad Rowe, Matt Farmer,Andrew Atkeson,Jack Fonss, Ben Wheeler,Keith Hampton, Jim Sapienza, Mike Fadil,Andy Gerken,Frank Powers
Author Statistics

#Papers: 3

#Citation: 44

H-Index: 3

G-Index: 3

Sociability: 3

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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