Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 1
#Citation: 35
H-Index: 1
G-Index: 1
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 0
Activity: 1
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Mark G. Thompson合作论文数

Jeremy O'Brien合作论文数
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Physics, University of Bristol28

Damien Bonneau合作论文数

Jianwei Wang (王剑威)合作论文数
Institute of Modem Optics, College of Physics, Peking University;Integrated Quantum Optics Lab, College of Physics, Peking University15

Raffaele Santagati合作论文数
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita’ di Roma ‘La Sapienza’15

Molly-Gabriella America Thompson合作论文数
university of bristol14

Shadbolt, P.J.合作论文数
Dept. of Electr. & Electron. Eng., Univ. of Bristol;c14

Robert Hadfield合作论文数
James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow13

R. Santagati合作论文数

Lawrence M. Rosenfeld合作论文数
Quantum Engn Technol Labs, Univ Bristol11

Stefano Paesani合作论文数
Niels Bohr Inst, Univ Copenhagen11

Tanner Michael G合作论文数
Sch Engn & Phys Sci, Heriot Watt Univ11

Chandra M. Natarajan合作论文数
Heriot-Watt University11

Jonathan C. F. Matthews合作论文数
University of Bristol;PsiQuantum11

John Rarity合作论文数
School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol10

Jeremy C. Adcock合作论文数
Univ Bristol, HH Wills Phys Lab, Quantum Engn Technol Labs, Merchant Venturers Bldg,Woodland Rd, Bristol BS8 1UB, Avon, England9

Dominic Sulway合作论文数
Nanosci & Quantum Informat Bldg, Univ Bristol8

Jacques Carolan合作论文数
UCL, Wolfson Inst Biomed Res8

Anthony Laing合作论文数
university of bristol8

Pisu Jiang合作论文数

Mikio Fujiwara合作论文数

Michael Strain合作论文数
Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde7

Hirotaka Terai合作论文数
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology7

Alkiviathes Meldrum合作论文数
Faculty of Science, University of Alberta/Grayflare Inc.7

Marc Sorel合作论文数
INSERM Unite ´ 430, UniversitePierre et Marie Curie;Institut des Cordeliers;Institut des Cordeliers, UniversitePierre et Marie Curie7

J. L. O'Brien合作论文数

Taro Yamashita合作论文数

Sam Morley-Short合作论文数
HH Wills Phys Lab, Quantum Engn Technol Labs6

Caterina Vigliar合作论文数
Quantum Engineering Technology Labs, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, Merchant Venturers Building, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB, United Kingdom6

Val Zwiller合作论文数

David Tew合作论文数
Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford;St Hilda's College, University of Oxford6

Nicholas Russell合作论文数
Department of Endocrinology, Austin Health6

Nathan Wiebe合作论文数
Department of Physics, University of Washington6

Shigehito Miki合作论文数
Superconductive ICT Device Laboratory, Kobe Frontier Research Center, Advanced ICT Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology;Nano ICT Group, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology6

Enrique Martin-Lopez合作论文数

Yunhong Ding合作论文数
Dept. of Photonics Eng., Tech. Univ. of Denmark;c;Dept. of Photonics Eng., Tech. Univ. of Denmark5

Kyle Manchee合作论文数

Jarrod McClean合作论文数
Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab;Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory5

Erman Engin合作论文数

Xiaoqi Zhou (周晓祺)合作论文数
State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University5

Graham D. Marshall合作论文数
Department of Chemistry, University of Washington5

Qihuang Gong (龚旗煌)合作论文数
School of Physics, Peking University5

Masahide Sasaki合作论文数
Department of the Clinical Laboratory, Kochi Medical School5

A. A. Gentile合作论文数

Gabriel Mendoza合作论文数

Chris Harrold合作论文数

Alberto Santamato合作论文数
Photon Networks & Technol Lab, Consorzio Nazl Interuniv Telecomunicazioni4

Jake Biele合作论文数
University of Bristol4

chris sparrow合作论文数
Univ Bristol, HH Wills Phys Lab, Ctr Quantum Photon, Bristol BS8 1UB, Avon, England4
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