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Research Interests
Habitat SelectionHabitat SuitabilityHabitat Fragmentatio...Habitat Fragmentation202020182021

Papers共 4 篇Projects共 1 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

Author Statistics

#Papers: 4

#Citation: 29

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 62

  • 合作者
  • 学生
  • 导师
Cristina Banks-Leite合作论文数
Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London4
Robert Ewers合作论文数
Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London3
Ciar D. Noble合作论文数
Jani Sleutel合作论文数
Jessica K. Haysom合作论文数
Annabel PIANZIN合作论文数
Palasiah Jotan合作论文数
Martina F. Harianja合作论文数
Lois Kinneen合作论文数
Philip M. Chapman合作论文数
Sarah Luke合作论文数
Joshua Blackman合作论文数
Dave J I Seaman合作论文数
Durrell Inst Conservat & Ecol, Univ Kent2
Jane L. Hardwick合作论文数
Griffith University2
Nursyamin Zulkifli合作论文数
Jonathan M Parrett合作论文数
Boon-Hee Kueh合作论文数
Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah2
Adi Shabrani合作论文数
Sabah Off, WWF Malaysia2
Natasha R Granville合作论文数
Ryan S Gray合作论文数
Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas at Austin2
Aisyah Faruk合作论文数
Royal Bot Gardens2
Charles W. Davison合作论文数
GLOBE Inst, Univ Copenhagen2
David Hemprich-Bennett合作论文数
Sch Biol & Chem Sci, Queen Mary Univ London2
Ross E. J. Gray合作论文数
Dept Zool, Univ Oxford2
Nicolas J. Deere合作论文数
Sch Anthropol & Conservat, Univ Kent2
arman hadi Fikri合作论文数
Inst Trop Biol & Conservat, Univ Malaysia Sabah2
Clare Wilkinson合作论文数
Dept Biol Sci, Natl Univ Singapore2
Nichar Gregory合作论文数
Dept Life Sci, Imperial Coll London2
Noreen Majalap合作论文数
Rosie Drinkwater合作论文数
Sch Biol & Chem Sci, Queen Mary Univ London2
Katherine Mullin合作论文数
Sch Biosci, Cardiff Univ2
Natalie Yoh合作论文数
The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison2
Joshua P. Twining合作论文数
Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University2
Sarab S. Sethi合作论文数
Cambridge University, University of Cambridge2
Jack Thorley合作论文数
Imperial College London Silwood Park2
Timm Fabian Döbert合作论文数
Dept Biol Sci, Univ Alberta2
Michal Hroneš合作论文数
Dept Bot, Palacky Univ Olomouc2
Will Pearse合作论文数
Ecosystems and the Environment, Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London2
Lauren J Cator合作论文数
Ecosystems and the Environment, Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London2
Robert J. Fletcher合作论文数
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, School of Natural Resources and Environment, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida2
Swinfield Tom合作论文数
Slade Eleanor合作论文数
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford2
Yusah Kalsum M合作论文数
Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah;Forest Ecology and Conservation Group, Imperial College London;Imperial College London, Universiti Malaysia Sabah2
Webber Bruce L合作论文数
School of Botany, The University of Melbourne2
Raphael Didham合作论文数
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation;School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Western Australia2
Martin Dancak合作论文数
Nigel Stork合作论文数
Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security, Griffith University2
Oliver R. Wearn合作论文数
Imperial College London;Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London;Institute of Zoology, Imperial College London2
Svátek Martin合作论文数
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno2
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