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SchizophreniaFmriPsychosisBipolar DisorderIndependent Componen...Independent Component Analysis202019992026

Papers共 1241 篇Patents共 2 篇Projects共 116 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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#Papers: 1239

#Citation: 68950

H-Index: 136

G-Index: 236

Sociability: 9

Diversity: 4

Activity: 66

  • 合作者
  • 学生
  • 导师
Vince Calhoun合作论文数
Georgia Institute of Technology;Rochester Institute of Technology325
Matcheri Keshavan合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University;Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University261
Carol A. Tamminga合作论文数
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School241
Brett Clementz合作论文数
Department of Psychology, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia226
John A. Sweeney合作论文数
West China Hospital of Sichuan University;University of Cincinnati214
Stevens Michael C合作论文数
Elliot S. Gershon合作论文数
University of Chicago130
Sarah K. Keedy合作论文数
Biological Sciences Division, The University of Chicago100
Shashwath A Meda合作论文数
Institute of Living, Hartford Hospital Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center86
Ivleva Elena I合作论文数
Kent A. Kiehl合作论文数
Jennifer E. McDowell合作论文数
University of Georgia Department of Psychology62
David J Schretlen合作论文数
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University58
A. Preda合作论文数
Dept Psychiat & Human Behav, Univ Calif Irvine58
Daniel Mathalon合作论文数
Weill Institute for Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco;Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco;UCSF Medical Center55
Theo G.M. van Erp合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine54
Michal Assaf合作论文数
Institute of Living, Hartford Hospital Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center53
Scot Hill合作论文数
Department of Psychology, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science51
Steven G. Potkin合作论文数
School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine;Brain Imaging Center, University of California, Irvine51
John Krystal合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Yale University50
Jing Sui (隋婧)合作论文数
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences47
Pe Barta合作论文数
Jeffrey Bishop合作论文数
College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago42
Marc Potenza合作论文数
Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine41
Jessica Turner合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University;Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging, College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University;Conjectural Systems40
Paul M. Thompson合作论文数
Imaging Genetics Center, Lab of Neuro Imaging, Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California40
Sarah A. Raskin合作论文数
Department of Psychology Queens College, University of New York40
Tülay Adali合作论文数
Machine Learning for Signal Processing Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County40
C. Austad合作论文数
Department of Psychology, Central Connecticut State University39
Tandon Neeraj合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center;Division of Public Psychiatry, Massachusetts Mental Health Center;Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Massachusetts Mental Health Center39
Howard Tennen合作论文数
Department of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Connecticut;UConn Alcohol Research Center39
Jingyu Liu合作论文数
Mind Research Network, University of New Mexico37
Dean F. Wong合作论文数
Juan Bustillo合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, The University of New Mexico33
Ford Judith M合作论文数
James L Reilly合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University30
David Curtis合作论文数
Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, Division of Biosciences, University College London;UCL Genetics Institute, Division of Biosciences, University College London30
Alan Anticevic合作论文数
Neuroscience, Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Yale University28
Alliey-Rodriguez Ney合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience;University of Chicago28
David Parker合作论文数
Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University28
Peter V. Rabins合作论文数
School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University;School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University28
Gordon J. Harris合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry, Tufts University28
Paulo Lizano合作论文数
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School27
Yuhui Du (杜宇慧)合作论文数
School of Computer and Information Technology, Shanxi University26
Bryon Mueller合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Medical School, University of Minnesota26
Peter Kochunov合作论文数
Louis A. Faillace, Md, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston;John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston26
Keith Hawkins合作论文数
Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University25
Fu Zening合作论文数
Robert S. Astur合作论文数
Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center;Institute of Living;Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, Institute of Living25
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