Research Interests
Author Statistics
#Papers: 346
#Citation: 9706
H-Index: 44
G-Index: 86
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 2
Activity: 26
- 合作者
- 学生
- 导师

Ingo Waldmann合作论文数
Spaceflux Ltd;The Alan Turing Institute;University College London98

Jonathan Tennyson合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences, University College London;Quantemol Ltd;Blue Skies Space Ltd78

Ahmed Al-Refaie合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences, University College London;Centre for Space Exoplanet Data, University College London;Spaceflux65

Sergey Yurchenko合作论文数
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London61

Katy L. Chubb合作论文数
Ctr Exoplanet Sci, Univ St Andrews47

Ertus Pascale合作论文数

Laura K. McKemmish合作论文数
School of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of New South Wales43

Maire N. Gorman合作论文数
UNSW Sydney41

Billy Edwards合作论文数
Univ Paris, Univ Paris Saclay41

Wilfrid Somogyi合作论文数

Eamon Conway合作论文数
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY40

Oleg Polyansky合作论文数
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, University College London40

O. P. Yurchenko合作论文数

T. Mellor合作论文数

V. H. J. Clark合作论文数

Angelos Tsiaras合作论文数
Physics and Astronomy Department, Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, University College London39

Jean-Philippe Beaulieu合作论文数

Marco Rocchetto合作论文数

Quentin Changeat合作论文数

Paul Eccleston合作论文数

Daphne M. Stam合作论文数
Department of Space Engineering, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology28

Pieter Deroo合作论文数
Instituut voor Sterrenkunde;K. U. Leuven28

Franck Selsis合作论文数
Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS26

Ignasi Ribas合作论文数
Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de Cataluna, Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universitat de Barcelona25

Gautam Vasisht合作论文数

Yuk L. Yung合作论文数
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology24

Giuseppe Malaguti合作论文数

Gianluca Morgante合作论文数

Marcell Tessenyi合作论文数
Physics and Astronomy Department, Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, University College London22

Mark Swain合作论文数
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology22

Joanna K. Barstow合作论文数

Giuseppe Morello合作论文数
Université Paris-Saclay/Université Paris Diderot/Sorbonne Paris Cité20

Giorgio Savini合作论文数
Physics and Astronomy Department, Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, University College London20

Emanuele Pace合作论文数

Giuseppina Micela合作论文数

Schneider Jean合作论文数

Andrea Tozzi合作论文数
Osserv Astrofis Arcetri, INAF19

Giampaolo Preti合作论文数

Lorenzo V. Mugnai合作论文数
Dip Fis, Univ Roma La Sapienza18

Helmut Lammer合作论文数
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences;University of Graz18

P. Mollière合作论文数

Thomas Henning合作论文数
Department of Planet and Star Formation, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy;University of Jena;University of Heidelberg17

Victoria Meadows合作论文数
Department of Astronomy, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Washington;Virtual Planetary Laboratory, NASA Astrobiology Institute17

Olivia Venot合作论文数

Caitlin Griffith合作论文数
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, College of Science, University of Arizona16

G. Micela合作论文数

Ludovic Puig合作论文数

Andrew Caldwell合作论文数

Paolo Chioetto合作论文数
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Di Padova15
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