views: 31
Career Trajectory
Date and place of birth: Ferrara (Italy), May 2nd, 1967 Nationality: Italian
Affiliation and official address: Dept. of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara, P.le Chiappini 2, 44123 Ferrara, Italy - Via Luigi Borsari 46 (Block B; off. no. 37), 44121 Ferrara, Italy
Telephone: +39-0532293774; +39-0532974636 (office); +39-0532293774 (lab)
e-mail: scg@unife.it; gianni.sacchetti@unife.it
1992: Biological Sciences Degree summa cum laude (University of Ferrara)
1996: PhD in Pharmacognosy (University of Milano)
1995-1998: PhD in Pharmacognosy (University of Milano)
1999-2005: Reasearcher of Pharmaceutical Biology (University of Ferrara)
2005-2014: Associate professor of Parmaceutical Biology (University of Ferrara)
2014-Present: Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Biology (University of Ferrara)
1995-1998: pharmacognostic studies about plant medicinal drugs (University of Milano)
1998: genotoxic evaluations of plant extracts and pure natural compounds (University of Pisa)
2000-2001: phytochemical characterization of plant extracts (University of Calabria)
2005: phytochemical and biological investigations of plant extracts (University of Parma)
2006: phytochemical investigations of Amazonian plant extracts (Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Quito - Ecuador)
2006-present: chemical and biological characterization of plant extracts for industrial applications (University of Ferrara)
1996-present: Società Botanica Italiana
2005-present: Società Italiana di Fitochimica
2012-present: Società Italiana per la Ricerca sugli Oli Essenziali
1999-2000: Pharmaceutical Botany (degree course in Pharmacy; University of Bologna)
1999-present: Plant Biology, Pharmacognosy and herbal products (degree course in Pharmacy; University of Ferrara)
2000-2009: Plant Biology and Pharmacognosy (degree course in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies; University of Ferrara)
2006: Pharmacognostic assays for authentication of crude drugs (Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Quito - Ecuador)
2004-2010: Pharmacognosy and herbal products (degree course in Heatlh Products: herbals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics; University of Ferrara)
2008-present: Biotechnology of medicinal plants (degree course in Biotechnology; University of Ferrara)
2008-present: Phytocosmetic and Aromatherapy (Master course in Cosmetic Science and Technology; University of Ferrara)
2000-2003: Principal investigator - Sustainable production of biomolecules from agro-food wastes for industrial applications (CNR)
2002-2003: co-investigator – Mediterranean medicinal plants (POR-PON Calabria and Sardegna)
2009-2011: Principal Investigator (national coordinator) - Chemical characterization (fingerprinting) and bioactivity profile (quality, safety, efficacy) of Ayurvedic crude drugs of the herbal market. Definition of innovative formulations (artificial phytocomplexes) and bioactive compounds from chemical synthesis and/or biotransformations of phytocomplexes, fractions and isolated compounds from ayurvedic crude drugs (PRIN 2009-2009LR9YLF)
2010-2013: co-investigator - Management and crop innovations for high-quality pear production (www.ager.innovapero.it). Task Coordinator - Biomolecules and innovative strategies for Pyrus communis pests control (AGER consortium: http://www.progettoager.it)
2013-2015: Co-investigator (Research Unit coordinator) - Chemical and bioactivity profile of agro-food wastes to achieve biomolecules for Citrus spp. pests control (PSR - Rural Development Projects funded by Calabria Region)
2013-2014: Principal investigator - Natural compounds for pests control and improving crop production of Ferrara territory (Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara, Italy)
2016-2018: Co-investigator - Valorizzazione sostenibile degli scarti della filiera vitivinicola per l'industria chimica e salutistica (VALSOVIT) (POR-FESR 2014-2020, Emilia Romagna Region)
2017-2020: Biomolecole dalla valorizzazione integrata di sottoprodotti agroalimentari per applicazioni sostenibili con finalità Fitosanitarie, Alimentari, ed Energetiche (BIOFACE) (Co-Investigator, Research Unit Coordinator - PSR 2014-2020 Focus Area 5C, Emilia Romagna Region)
CNR Best Researcher Award 2000 for activities in Sustainable production of biomolecules from agro-food wastes for industrial applications
PUBLICATIONS (at August 2017)
101 papers in refereed journals, 2 book chapters, co-authorship in and academic book, more than 100 meeting abstracts
Research unique identifier and citation metrix
OrciD: 0000-0002-6833-1477 - Scopus ID: 7005978235 - ISI ID: E-2854-2015
1885 total citations – h-index: 22 (Scopus); 1575 total citations – h-index: 21(ISI-Web)
Research Interests
Papers共 153 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Plant-Derived Antimycoticspp.393-398, (2024)
Toxinsno. 6 (2023): 360
PLANT BIOSYSTEMSno. 2 (2023): 339-345
Moleculesno. 15 (2022): 5013-5013
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 154
#Citation: 4971
H-Index: 36
G-Index: 67
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 4
Activity: 29
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