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Papers共 25 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Ruth H. Striegel, Natasha Burke, Anja Hilbert,Kelly L. Klump, Tracey D. Wade, Barbara Walsh, Guido Frank, Aurora Kelly,L Klump, Stephen Thomas,U Boston,Glenn Waller, David Sheffield, W. Stewart Agras, U Stanford, New Attia,U York, U Barbarich-Marsteller, New York, U Bardone-Cone, Scott C. Bauer, Adam B. Becker, U. Becker, San Antonio, U Brewerton, U Bryant-Waugh, U London, Chapel Bulik, U Hill, U Charlotte, Nick Johns, Washington Chatoor, U Cooper, U Crosby, U Crow, U Culbert, Las Vegas, U Dalle Grave, Italy Garda, New Devlin, U De Young, U Forbush, U Lawrence, Italy Padova, Germany Munich, U Franko, S Goldschmidt, U Grilo, U Guarda, U Baltimore, U Halmi, Australia Hay, Timothy Hildebrandt, U Hoek, The Hague, Netherlands Hudson, U Jacobi, Germany Dresden, Charles D. Kaplan, Canada Katzman, Sherrie-Anne Kaye, U Diego, U Keel, Finland Helsinki, U Kraemer, San Lavender, San Le Grange, UC San Francisco, Stanford Lock, U Loeb, U Machado, Portugal Madden, Aaron Marcus, U Marsh, U Mehler, U Mitchell, U Monteleone, Italy Salerno, Canada Olmsted, U Peterson, New Pike, Rachel F. Rodgers, U Raevuori, Katja Steiger,Joanna E. Steinglass, U Strober, Los Ángeles, U Swanson, U Sysko, U Tabri, Canada Ottawa, U Bethesda, U Thompson, U Tiggemann, Australia Touyz, Australia Van Furth, Netherlands Von Ranson, U Watson, U Wilksch, Jennifer E. Wildes, U Wilfley, St Louis, U Wilson, U Wolfe, U Wonderlich, U Fargo, U Yager,Eva Trujillo, Armando Barriguete,México City, México Ovidio Bermúdez, Karina Franco,Juanita Gempeler, Olga González, México Hermosillo, Mariano Macías, México Mayaro, Ortega Luyando, María Fernanda Reyes,Maritza Rodríguez, Lupita Rodríguez, Mónica Salinas,Claudia Unikel, Rosalía Vázquez, Michael Strober, Craig Johnson, Melissa Ekis,Ruth Striegel Weissman
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 25

#Citation: 189

H-Index: 7

G-Index: 13

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 2

Activity: 11

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