(Eduardo de Santibañes)
Born on June 2nd, 1951, Buenos Aires Argentina.
Graduated from the University of La Plata (UNLP) in 1974 (MD) being his overall grade average 9.27.
Obtained his PhD Degree in Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in 1987.
Full Professor of Surgery at University of Buenos Aires (UBA, 2005-2015) and Full Professor and Head of, the Surgery Department (University School of Medicine, Hospital Italiano, 2008-2012).
He has been Chief of the General Surgery Service since 2005. The General Surgery Service is the most active of Latin America, having performed over 7,400 procedures in 2014. He is an active former of Residents and Fellows, training surgeons from Argentina and from other countries.
He has been Chief of the Liver Transplant Unit of the Hospital Italiano since 1985, where over 1,200 liver transplants have been performed so far.
In 1988 together with his team he performed the first liver transplant (Argentina) in an adult and two months later the first liver transplant in a one-year-old child. In 1991 performed the first liver transplant with a living related donor in a one-year-old girl.
He is an active Clinical Researcher and has published more than 210 articles in several national and international journals, more than 63 book chapters and more than 130 Investigation Papers.
In the last three years he was honor by several Awards: 2015- “PRIZE TO THE MEDICAL BY ACHIVEMENT FOR A BETTER LIFE”. For his contribution in the human being health for a better life. “BEST HEALTH PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR 2014-2015”. Nominee by the President of the Organization and the International Board.
2014-Distinction: “Excellence Academy”, for Teaching. Granted by the University of Buenos Aires.
In 2013 he was acknowledged as the “Best Surgeon” of the last decade receiving the “KONEX”, one of the most important awards given in Argentina, and in the same year 2013, he was also honored with the “KONEX PLATINO” for “Maximum Discipline in Surgery”.
Actually is “Honorary Member of The Brazilian College of Digestive Surgeons”; 2015 “Member Award”. “Honorary Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons”. Chicago Illinois, USA; 2015. “Honorary Member of the Peruvian Society of Surgeons”, March; 2015. “Distinguished Citizen of Provincia de Buenos Aires”, for his outstanding contribution in the Medicine area and Surgery. “Honorary Member of the Italian Society of Surgeons”. Turín, Italy ;2014.“Full Member of the Academia Nacional de Medicina”; 2013.
“Honorary Member of the German Surgical Association”. “Honorary Member of the European Surgical Association (ESA)”. “Honorary Member of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh”. “Honorary Member of the American Surgical Association (ASA)”.
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#Papers: 263
#Citation: 21046
H-Index: 46
G-Index: 144
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 39
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