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Papers共 8 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Raquel Salazar,C Soihet, J M Mendez,E Somarriba, A D Richmond,Antonio Aparecido Carpanezzi, J M Eric Laurent,P E R Carvalho,Adrian F Pegoraro,A J Baggio,Alencar Junior Zanon, E T Iede,E Rotta,Jose Alfredo Sturion,J C D Pereira,L R Graca, M De J Rauen, O T B Carpanezzi,Y M M De Oliveira, M E Herrera Zuniga,Janusz Z Beer,R G Muschler, A Dominguez Alvarez, C M Volkart,R A Friedl, N Orue, D I Aguirre, R R Reuter, J Guillen Bogado,Alberto A Amarilla,Musalem M A Evans D O,L T Szott, Eds,L A Camero Rey,M H Basse Kruger,D Kass,R Landaverde, Nolasco R Krishnamurthy L,J A Leosrodriguez,W Picado, Gabriela Villaca Chaves,M A Musalem,Silva F Salazar F R,Picado V W Salazar F R,N Glover,J Heuveldop,L F Ortiz C,C Van Kessel,J P Roskoski,K Keane,S M De Faria, V C G Moreira,A Franco, R Serrano M, F Mata,C A Foletti, Rita Nolasco,R Felber, Raquel Serrano,C Araya F,L Hilje,Fulvio A Scorza,C Volkart M, M De T Parussini, R Frield A, M Lopez A, B Eibl De L,J Calix, E Ordonez O,Miguel A Zavala,E Guardado,N Agudelo,J L Monge, Victor Alonso Jaramillo Jimenez,Turrialba Catie,M E Herrera Z, Dommergues Y R Steppler H A,P K R Nair, Schreiner H G Zulberti E, J L Neto,Eliane Ceccon,L Rivas, Zambrana H Musalem M A,Martinez H H A Musalem M A
A A Carpanezzi, C A Ferreira,E Rotta, Ivone Satsuki Namikawa,Jose Alfredo Sturion,J C D Pereira,Lise Helene Montagner, M De J Rauen, P E Ramalho,R A Silveira, Sergio Teixeira Alves
A A Carpanezzi, Carlos Alberto Ferreira,E Rotta, Ivone Satsuki Namikawa,Jose Alfredo Sturion,J C D Pereira,Lise Helene Montagner, Moacir De Jesus Rauen,P E R Carvalho,R A Silveira, Sergio Teixeira Alves
Author Statistics

#Papers: 8

#Citation: 192

H-Index: 8

G-Index: 8

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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