
Honors and Awards
Francis M. Pipkin Award, American Physical Society, 2006
Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2005
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship, 1999-2004
Yale University Condé Award for Teaching Excellence, 2004
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 2000-2002
Research Corporation Cottrell Scholars Award, 2000
Research Corporation Research Innovation Award, 1998
Research Corporation Cottrell College Science Award, 1997
NIST Precision Measurement Grant, 2000-03
Francis M. Pipkin Award, American Physical Society, 2006
Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2005
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship, 1999-2004
Yale University Condé Award for Teaching Excellence, 2004
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 2000-2002
Research Corporation Cottrell Scholars Award, 2000
Research Corporation Research Innovation Award, 1998
Research Corporation Cottrell College Science Award, 1997
NIST Precision Measurement Grant, 2000-03
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#Papers: 268
#Citation: 16680
H-Index: 48
G-Index: 124
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 11
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