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Papers共 34 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Mario Albornoz,Paule Arnaudameller,Rigas Arvanitis,Daniel Azpiazu,Eduardo Basualdo,Bertha K Becker, Antonio Jose J Botelho, Jean Bunel, Robert Cabanes, Luisa Amelia Calcano, Jorge Carrillo, Odile Castel,Nadya Araujo Castro, Hector Gustavo Cordone, Carlos M Correa, Martine Droulers,Hubert Drouvot,Claudio A Egler, Paul Esqueda, Raul H Green,Antonio Sergio Guimaraes, Daniel Hiernaux,Alfredo Hualde,Marc Humbert, Michel Husson,Consuelo Iranzo, Elsa Laurelli,Marcia De Paula Leite, Carlos Machadoallison,Jacques Marcovitch,Carlos M Marschoff, Carlos A De Mattos, Jose Adelino Medeiros,Alexis Mercado,Jordy Micheli,Julio Cesar Neffa,Hugo Nochteff,Juan Jose Palacios,Arnoldo Pirela,Didier Ramousse,Rafael Rengifo,Jean Revelmouroz, Carlos E Seaton,Lidia Micaela Segre, Jorge Ruben Biton Tapia, Silvio Roberto Tavares, V L Urquidi,Alain Vanneph, Sebastien Velut, Rene Villarreal, Leonardo Vivas, F J Zapata
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 34

#Citation: 401

H-Index: 15

G-Index: 19

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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