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Chris Miller is a leader in astroinformatics – mixing computer science, advanced statistics, and data mining to answer key cosmological questions. His specialty is looking at galaxy clusters through the field’s largest data sets to trace the distribution of matter in the universe. After years exploiting the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, he’s now heavily involved in the Dark Energy Survey and is a key player in the development of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The LSST was identified as a highest priority in the National Research Council’s decadal survey, and its unprecedented data set is expected to lead to further insights into the nature of dark energy and matter.
Notable Results
Miller used his galaxy-cluster research to support the Hot Big Bang theory by aligning findings from opposing cosmological epochs. He was the first to see the signatures of sound waves from the very early universe that were “frozen into” the matter-density distribution we see today. His analysis of the current universe synched neatly with the acoustic oscillations of the early universe detected in the cosmic microwave background, and demonstrated the power of combining big-survey analysis and his own observational data.
BS, Penn State; PhD, University of Maine. Postdoc, Carnegie-Melon; National Optical Astronomy Observatory/Chile. Hired at U-M under a presidential initiative for advancing data mining research.
Notable Results
Miller used his galaxy-cluster research to support the Hot Big Bang theory by aligning findings from opposing cosmological epochs. He was the first to see the signatures of sound waves from the very early universe that were “frozen into” the matter-density distribution we see today. His analysis of the current universe synched neatly with the acoustic oscillations of the early universe detected in the cosmic microwave background, and demonstrated the power of combining big-survey analysis and his own observational data.
BS, Penn State; PhD, University of Maine. Postdoc, Carnegie-Melon; National Optical Astronomy Observatory/Chile. Hired at U-M under a presidential initiative for advancing data mining research.
Research Interests
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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societyno. 1 (2024): 52-60
Jesse B. Golden-Marx,Y. Zhang,R. L. C. Ogando,S. Allam,D. L. Tucker,C. J. Miller,M. Hilton,B. Mutlu-Pakdil,T. M. C. Abbott,M. Aguena,O. Alves,F. Andrade-Oliveira,J. Annis,D. Bacon,E. Bertin,S. Bocquet,D. Brooks,D. L. Burke,A. Carnero Rosell,M. Carrasco Kind,F. J. Castander,C. Conselice,M. Costanzi,L. N. da Costa,M. E. S. Pereira,J. De Vicente,S. Desai,P. Doel,S. Everett,I Ferrero,B. Flaugher,J. Frieman,J. Garcia-Bellido,D. W. Gerdes,D. Gruen,R. A. Gruendl,G. Gutierrez,S. R. Hinton,D. L. Hollowood,K. Honscheid,D. J. James,K. Kuehn,N. Kuropatkin,O. Lahav,J. L. Marshall,P. Melchior,J. Mena-Fernandez,R. Miquel,J. J. Mohr,A. Palmese,F. Paz-Chinchon,A. Pieres,A. A. Plazas Malagon,J. Prat,M. Raveri,M. Rodriguez-Monroy,A. K. Romer,E. Sanchez,V Scarpine,I Sevilla-Noarbe,C. Sifon,M. Smith,E. Suchyta,M. E. C. Swanson,G. Tarle,M. Vincenzi,N. Weaverdyck,B. Yanny
David J. Schlegel,Juna A. Kollmeier,Greg Aldering,Stephen Bailey,Charles Baltay,Christopher Bebek,Segev BenZvi,Robert Besuner,Guillermo Blanc,Adam S. Bolton,Ana Bonaca,Mohamed Bouri,David Brooks,Elizabeth Buckley-Geer,Zheng Cai,Jeffrey Crane,Regina Demina,Joseph DeRose,Arjun Dey,Peter Doel,Xiaohui Fan,Simone Ferraro,Douglas Finkbeiner,Andreu Font-Ribera,Satya Gontcho A Gontcho,Daniel Green,Gaston Gutierrez,Julien Guy,Henry Heetderks,Dragan Huterer,Leopoldo Infante,Patrick Jelinsky,Dionysios Karagiannis,Stephen M. Kent,Alex G. Kim,Jean-Paul Kneib,Anthony Kremin,Luzius Kronig,Nick Konidaris,Ofer Lahav,Michael L. Lampton,Martin Landriau,Dustin Lang,Alexie Leauthaud,Michael E. Levi,Michele Liguori,Eric V. Linder,Christophe Magneville,Paul Martini,Mario Mateo,Patrick McDonald,Christopher J. Miller,John Moustakas,Adam D. Myers,John Mulchaey,Jeffrey A. Newman,Peter E. Nugent,Nikhil Padmanabhan,Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, Antonella Palmese Anthony L. Piro,Claire Poppett,Jason X. Prochaska,Anthony R. Pullen,David Rabinowitz,Anand Raichoor,Solange Ramirez,Hans-Walter Rix,Ashley J. Ross,Lado Samushia,Emmanuel Schaan,Michael Schubnell,Uros Seljak,Hee-Jong Seo,Stephen A. Shectman,Edward F. Schlafly,Joseph Silber,Joshua D. Simon,Zachary Slepian,Anže Slosar,Marcelle Soares-Santos,Greg Tarlé,Ian Thompson,Monica Valluri,Risa H. Wechsler,Martin White,Michael J. Wilson,Christophe Yèche,Dennis Zaritsky,Rongpu Zhou
David J. Schlegel,Simone Ferraro,Greg Aldering,Charles Baltay,Segev BenZvi,Robert Besuner,Guillermo A. Blanc,Adam S. Bolton,Ana Bonaca,David Brooks,Elizabeth Buckley-Geer,Zheng Cai,Joseph DeRose,Arjun Dey,Peter Doel,Alex Drlica-Wagner,Xiaohui Fan,Gaston Gutierrez,Daniel Green,Julien Guy,Dragan Huterer,Leopoldo Infante,Patrick Jelinsky,Dionysios Karagiannis,Stephen M. Kent,Alex G. Kim,Jean-Paul Kneib,Juna A. Kollmeier,Anthony Kremin,Ofer Lahav,Martin Landriau,Dustin Lang,Alexie Leauthaud,Michael E. Levi,Eric V. Linder,Christophe Magneville,Paul Martini,Patrick McDonald,Christopher J. Miller,Adam D. Myers,Jeffrey A. Newman,Peter E. Nugent,Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille,Nikhil Padmanabhan,Antonella Palmese,Claire Poppett,Jason X. Prochaska,Anand Raichoor,Solange Ramirez,Noah Sailer,Emmanuel Schaan,Michael Schubnell,Uros Seljak,Hee-Jong Seo,Joseph Silber,Joshua D. Simon,Zachary Slepian,Marcelle Soares-Santos,Greg Tarle,Monica Valluri,Noah J. Weaverdyck,Risa H. Wechsler,Martin White,Christophe Yeche,Rongpu Zhou
David J. Schlegel,Juna A. Kollmeier, G. Aldering, S. Bailey, C. Baltay, C. Bebek, S. BenZvi,Robert Besuner,Guillermo A. Blanc,A. Bolton,Ana Bonaca,Mohamed Bouri, David J. Brooks, E. Buckley-Geer,Zheng Cai,Jeffrey D. Crane, R. Démina,Joseph J. DeRose,Arjun Dey, P. Doel,Xiaohui Fan,Simone Ferraro,Douglas P. Finkbeiner,Andreu Font-Ribera,Satya Gontcho A Gontcho,Daniel Green, G. Gutiérrez,J. Guy,H. Heetderks,Dragan Huterer, L. Infante,Patrick Jelinsky,Dionysios Karagiannis,Stephen Kent,Alex Kim,Jean-Paul Kneib,A. Kremin,Luzius Kronig,Nick Konidaris, O. Lahav, M. Lampton,Martin Landriau,Dustin Lang,Alexie Leauthaud,Michael Levi,M. Liguori,Eric V. Linder, C. Magneville,Paul Martini,Mario Mateo,Patrick McDonald,Christopher J. Miller,John Moustakas,Adam D. Myers,John S. Mulchaey,Jeffrey A. Newman, P. Nugent,Nikhil Padmanabhan, N. Palanque-Delabrouille,Anthony L. Piro,Claire Poppett, J. X. Prochaska,Anthony R. Pullen, D. Rabinowitz,Anand Raichoor,Solange Ramírez,Hans─Walter Rix,Ashley J. Ross,Lado Samushia,Emmanuel Schaan,M. Schubnell,Uroš Seljak,Hee-Jong Seo,Stephen Shectman,Edward F. Schlafly,Joseph Silber,Joshua D. Simon,Zachary Slepian,Anže Slosar,M. Soares-Santos,G. Tarlé,Ian M. Thompson,Monica Valluri,Risa H. Wechsler,Martin White, M. J. Wilson, Christophe Yèche,Dennis Zaritsky,Rongpu Zhou
Evan A. Rich,John D. Monnier,Alicia Aarnio,Anna S. E. Laws,Benjamin R. Setterholm,David J. Wilner,Nuria Calvet,Tim Harries,Chris Miller,Claire L. Davies,Fred C. Adams,Sean M. Andrews,Jaehan Bae,Catherine Espaillat,Alexandra Z. Greenbaum,Sasha Hinkley,Stefan Kraus,Lee Hartmann,Andrea Isella,Melissa McClure,Rebecca Oppenheimer,Laura M. Perez,Zhaohuan Zhu
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