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Career Trajectory
Christian Müller is a senior researcher in Islamic studies at the French National Research Agency (CNRS). He received an ERC advanced grant in 2008 and is responsible for the Arabic department of the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes since 2004. He holds a Ph.D. in Islamwissenschaft from FU Berlin (1997) and a Habilitation from U Halle-Wittenberg (2007).
Engaging with the study of Islamic law for over 30 years, his academic interests range broadly across historical periods and topics. His publications, mainly in German, English, and French, include monographs on eleventh-century judicial practices in Muslim Spain based on fatwa literature (1999), the documents of the Haram al-Sharīf in fourteenth-century Jerusalem (2013a), and an exploratory survey on the evolution of the Muslim jurists’ law from early Islam until the nineteenth century (2022a). The originality of his approach is a focus on legal practice that combines the study of original documents and juridical literature with sociological approaches of "law".
Through his research, he ventures to establish the study of Islamic normativity (shariatic law) as a historical discipline distinct from religious perspectives.
Selected references:
(2023) “Le codex Dār al-Kutub ‘Uṣūl 41’ de la Risāla d’al-Šāfiʿī (m. 820/204): témoin emblématique aux usages multiples”, 89-112
(2022a) Recht und historische Entwicklung der Scharia im Islam
(2022b) “La protección de los derechos y las obligaciones personales: los documentos en la ley islámica”, 67-75
(2022c) “Les actes notariés en droit musulman (VIIIe-XVIe siècles)”, 121-142
(2021) “Konfliktlösung in Gemeinden unter muslimischer Herrschaft im mittelalterlichen Europa”, 355-361
(2020a) “La tutelle institutionnelle des successions à Jérusalem au XIVe siècle”, 1-15
(2020b) “Al-Qarāfī’s (d. 684/1285) vision of the Mālikite law school in the light of his Ḏaḫīra”, (talk Exeter 28-29 Feb 2020)
(2019) “La fabrique de la charia en Islam: actes notariés et épistémologie juridique à l'épreuve de l'histoire”, 51-62
(2018) “Islamische Jurisprudenz als Gottesrecht: Die schariatische Wende des 12. Jahrhunderts”, 57-83
(2018b) “The Power of the Pen: Cadis and Their Archives. ...”, 361-385
(2017a) “Crimes without criminals? 14th-century injury- and homicide-cases from the Ḥaram al-Šarīf-collection in Jerusalem”, 129-179
(2017b) “Changing roles of the Prophet in Islamic Law (8th - 13th century)” (talk Jul 2017 Paris)
(2015) “Defining the sphere of ‘law’ within Uṣūl al-fiqh” (talk Leiden Nov 2015)
(2013a) Der Kadi und seine Zeugen. Studie der mamlukischen Ḥaram-Dokumente aus Jerusalem
(2013b) “Non-Muslims as part of Islamic law: Juridical casuistry in a fifth/eleventh-century law manual”, 21-63
(2013c) “Le nom propre à géométrie variable: nommer et être nommé dans les actes du Ḥaram al-Šarīf de Jérusalem”, 403-435
(2013d) “Mamluk Law: a reassessment”, 263-283
(2013e) “Die Kasuistik im fiqh als Grundlage der Rechtsanwendung: Ein Paradigmenwechsel”, (talk Sep 2013, Münster)
(2012a) “Osmanische Gerichtsurkunden des 16. Jahrhunderts aus der ägyptischen Provinz: Zu Kauf und Bezahlung einer Handelsladung ḥālūm-Käse”, 435-453
(2012b) “Les ventes de biens immobiliers au XIVe siècle. Étude des actes du Ḥaram al-Šarīf à Jérusalem”, 211-230
(2011a) “The Ḥaram al-Šarīf collection of Arabic legal documents in Jerusalem: a Mamlūk court archive?”, 435-459
(2011b) “Us, coutumes et droit coutumier dans le fiqh malikite”, 35-54
(2010a) “Redressing injustice. Maẓālim jurisdictions at the Umayyad Court of Córdoba”, 93-104
(2010b) “Écrire pour établir la preuve orale en Islam: la pratique d’un tribunal à Jérusalem au XIVe siècle”, 63-97
(2008) “A Legal Instrument in the Service of People and Institutions: Endowments in Mamluk Jerusalem as mirrored in the Ḥaram Documents”, 173-189
(2006) “Settling Litigations without Judgment: The Importance of a Ḥukm in Qāḍī Cases of Mamlūk Jerusalem”, 47-69
(2005a) “Sitte, Brauch und Gewohnheitsrechte im mālikitischen fiqh”, 17-38.
(2005b) “L’assassinat du savant Abū Marwān al-Ṭubnī: un drame familial et judiciaire”, 425-448
(2005c) “Islamisches Recht als evolutive Tradition”, 296-319
(2005d) “Sultan Baybars I and the Georgians - in the Light of new Documents related to the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem “, p. 258-290 (with J. Pahlitzsch).
(2001a) “Constats d'héritages dans la Jérusalem mamelouke: les témoins du cadi dans un document inédit du Ḥaram al-Šarīf “, 291-319
(2001b) «Šahāda und kitāb al-istirʿā' in der Rechtspraxis: Zur Rolle von Zeugen und Notaren in Gerichtsprozessen des 5./11. Jahrhunderts”, 387-399
(2000a) “Judging with God's Law on Earth: Judicial Powers of the Qāḍī al-jamāʿa of Cordoba in the 5th/11th Century”, 159-186
(2000b) “Administrative Tradition and Civil Jurisdiction of the Cordovan ṣāḥib al-aḥkām “, 7-84/307-338
(1999) Gerichtspraxis im Stadtstaat Córdoba: zum Recht der Gesellschaft in einer mālikitisch islamischen Rechtstradition des 5./11. Jahrhunderts
Research Interests
Papers共 217 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Laryngo-, Rhino-, Otologie (2023)
Studia Islamicapp.1-23, (2022)
Konfliktlösung im MittelalterHandbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europapp.355-361, (2021)
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