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#Papers: 446

#Citation: 27241

H-Index: 79

G-Index: 152

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 3

Activity: 35

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Eckehard G. Brockerhoff合作论文数
Scion, New Zealand Forest Research Institute40
Patrick C. Tobin (Patrick Tobin)合作论文数
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington31
Ottar Bjornstad合作论文数
Department of Entomology, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University28
Deborah McCullough合作论文数
College of Social Science, Michigan State University;Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Michigan State University;Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Michigan State University28
Kurt W. Gottschalk合作论文数
Joseph S. Elkinton合作论文数
Department of Entomology and Graduate Program in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, University of Massachusetts26
Takehiko Yamanaka合作论文数
Biodiversity Division 3-1-3, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences26
Randall Morin合作论文数
U.S. Army Health Services Command25
Cleo Bertelsmeier合作论文数
Dept Ecol & Evolut, Univ Lausanne19
Alexei A. Sharov合作论文数
Genet Lab, NIH19
Nathan W. Siegert合作论文数
Derek Stephen Johnson合作论文数
Alain Roques合作论文数
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique16
Rebecca Turner合作论文数
Petr Pyšek合作论文数
Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University;Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic14
Songlin Fei合作论文数
Natural Resources Spatial Analysis Laboratory, Purdue University;Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, College of Agriculture, Purdue University14
Walter Koenig合作论文数
Cornell University13
Matthew P. Ayres合作论文数
Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College13
Helen Nahrung合作论文数
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Horticulture and Forestry Science, Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries Gate 313
Kyle J Haynes合作论文数
Eugene Luzader合作论文数
Ulf Büntgen合作论文数
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge;Department of Geography, Masaryk University;CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS;Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL12
Pureswaran Deepa S合作论文数
Hanno Seebens合作论文数
Senckenberg Biodivers & Climate Res Ctr11
rm muzika合作论文数
Samuel F. Ward合作论文数
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University10
Tim Blackburn合作论文数
Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment, Divison of Biosciences, University College London;Institute of Zoology, University College London10
Philip Hulme合作论文数
Department of Pest-Management and Conservation, Lincoln University10
Kenneth F. Raffa合作论文数
Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin–Madison10
Nathan P. Havill合作论文数
Yale University;Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology;Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University10
daniel twardus合作论文数
Ann Hajek合作论文数
Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University9
Jonathan Jeschke合作论文数
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries;Institute of Biology, Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universitat Berlin9
Christelle Robinet合作论文数
INRA UR633 Zoologie Forestière, 2163 Avenue de la pomme de pin, CS 40001, Ardon, 45075 Orleans Cedex 2, France9
Rebecca S Epanchin-Niell合作论文数
Rodrigo Mercader合作论文数
Department of Entomology, Michigan State University9
Jan Esper合作论文数
Department of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz;Geographisches Institut, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz9
Rachael E Blake合作论文数
Department of Environmental Science and Policy;University of California , Davis;Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California , Davis9
Dave Richardson合作论文数
Centre for Invasion Biology, University of Stellenbosch;Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University8
Naoto Kamata合作论文数
Laboratory of Ecology;Faculty of Science;Kanazawa University;Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University8
Rose-Marie Muzika合作论文数
Ea Roberts合作论文数
w jan a volney合作论文数
Mark van Kleunen合作论文数
Department of Biology, University of Konstanz;Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior7
Robert G. Haight合作论文数
USDA Forest Service;North Central Research Station;USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station7
Marek Turcani合作论文数
Faculty of Forestry;Czech University of Life Sciences;Faculty of Forestry, Czech University of Life Sciences7
John Michael Kean合作论文数
AgResearch Limited7
Jeffrey R. Garnas合作论文数
Dan Herms合作论文数
The Davey Tree Expert Company7
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