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In 1996 Alexandre won the Melbourne University postgraduate scholarship and joined the Photonuclear group of professor Maxwell Thompson at School of Physics. After a short visit to M.I.T. in 1996 he received invitation from professor William Bertozzi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and professor Thomas Walcher ( Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) to join electron scattering experiments at the Mainz Microtron accelerator. After graduation in 2000, Alexandre moved to North America where participated in several experiments at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. In 2003 Alexandre relocated to Japan where he worked on the KamLAND neutrino experiment at the Kamioka underground laboratory. In 2012 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of Tokyo. Together with other scientists he was awarded the 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for the fundamental discovery and exploration of neutrino oscillations.
Research Interests
Papers共 24 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
S. Abe,S. Asami,A. Gando,Y. Gando,T. Gima,A. Goto,T. Hachiya,K. Hata,S. Hayashida,K. Hosokawa,K. Ichimura,S. Ieki, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue,K. Ishidoshiro,Y. Kamei,N. Kawada,Y. Kishimoto,T. Kinoshita,M. Koga,N. Maemura,T. Mitsui,H. Miyake,K. Nakamura,R. Nakamura,H. Ozaki, T. Sakai,H. Sambonsugi,I Shimizu,J. Shirai,K. Shiraishi,A. Suzuki,Y. Suzuki,A. Takeuchi,K. Tamae,K. Ueshima,Y. Wada, H. Watanabe,Y. Yoshida,S. Obara,A. K. Ichikawa,A. Kozlov,D. Chernyak,Y. Takemoto,S. Yoshida,S. Umehara,K. Fushimi,K. Z. Nakamura,M. Yoshida,B. E. Berger,B. K. Fujikawa,J. G. Learned,J. Maricic,S. N. Axani,L. A. Winslow,Z. Fu,J. Ouellet,Y. Efremenko,H. J. Karwowski,D. M. Markoff,W. Tornow,A. Li,J. A. Detwiler,S. Enomoto,M. P. Decowski,C. Grant,T. O'Donnell,S. Dell'Oro
Akimov D. Yu., National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,Bolozdynya A. I.,Efremenko Yu. V.,Kurchatov Institute National Research Center,Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Gouss D. V., Kdib Dj. E.,Khromov A. V., Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences,Kozlov A. A.,Kumpan A. V., Moscow State University,Pinchuk A. V.,Rudik D. G.,Shakirov A. V.,Sosnovtsev V. V.,Vasin A. A.
Д. Ю. Акимов,И. С. Александров,В. А. Белов,А. И. Болоздыня,Ю. В. Ефременко,А. В. Этенко,А. В. Галаванов,Д. В. Гусс,Ю. В. Гусаков, Dj. E. Kdib,А. В. Хромов,А. М. Коновалов,В. Н. Корноухов,А. Г. Коваленко,А. А. Козлов,Е. С. Козлова,А. В. Кумпан,А. В. Лукьяшин,А. В. Пинчук,О. Е. Разуваева,Д. Г. Рудик,А. В. Шакиров,Г. Е. Симаков,В. В. Сосновцев,А. А. Васин
Приборы и техника экспериментаpp.322-39, (2021)
Journal of Physics Conference Seriesno. 1 (2020): 012057-012057
JPS Conference Proceedings (Web) (2019): 11011
A. Gando,Y. Gando,T. Hachiya,M. Ha Minh,S. Hayashida,Y. Honda,K. Hosokawa,H. Ikeda,K. Inoue,K. Ishidoshiro,Y. Kamei,K. Kamizawa,T. Kinoshita,M. Koga,S. Matsuda,T. Mitsui,K. Nakamura,A. Ono,N. Ota,S. Otsuka,H. Ozaki,Y. Shibukawa,I. Shimizu,Y. Shirahata,J. Shirai,T. Sato,K. Soma,A. Suzuki,A. Takeuchi,K. Tamae,K. Ueshima,H. Watanabe,D. Chernyak,A. Kozlov,S. Obara,S. Yoshida,Y. Takemoto,S. Umehara,K. Fushimi,S. Hirata,B. E. Berger,B. K. Fujikawa,J. G. Learned,J. Maricic,L. A. Winslow,Y. Efremenko,H. J. Karwowski,D. M. Markoff,W. Tornow,T. O'Donnell,J. A. Detwiler,S. Enomoto,M. P. Decowski,J. Menendez,R. Dvornicky,F. Simkovic
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) (2019)
K. Asakura,A. Gando,Y. Gando,T. Hachiya,S. Hayashida,H. Ikeda,K. Inoue,K. Ishidoshiro,T. Ishikawa,S. Ishio,M. Koga,R. Matsuda,S. Matsuda,T. Mitsui,D. Motoki,K. Nakamura,S. Obara,Y. Oki,T. Oura,I. Shimizu,Y. Shirahata,J. Shirai,A. Suzuki,H. Tachibana,K. Tamae,K. Ueshima,H. Watanabe,B. D. Xu,Y. Yamauchi,H. Yoshida,A. Kozlov,Y. Takemoto,S. Yoshida,K. Fushimi,C. Grant,A. Piepke,T. I. Banks,B. E. Berger,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,T. O'Donnell,J. G. Learned,J. Maricic,M. Sakai,S. Dazeley,R. Svoboda,L. A. Winslow,Y. Efremenko,H. J. Karwowski,D. M. Markoff,W. Tornow,J. A. Detwiler,S. Enomoto,M. P. Decowski
A. Gando,Y. Gando,H. Hanakago,H. Ikeda,K. Inoue,R. Kato,M. Koga,S. Matsuda,T. Mitsui,T. Nakada,K. Nakamura,A. Obata,A. Oki,Y. Ono,I. Shimizu,J. Shirai,A. Suzuki,Y. Takemoto,K. Tamae,K. Ueshima,H. Watanabe,B. D. Xu,S. Yamada,H. Yoshida,A. Kozlov,S. Yoshida,T. I. Banks,J. A. Detwiler,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,K. Han,T. O'Donnell,B. E. Berger,Y. Efremenko,H. J. Karwowski,D. M. Markoff, W. Tornow,S. Enomoto,M. P. Decowski
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 24
#Citation: 2639
H-Index: 11
G-Index: 16
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 2
Activity: 1
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