Soc Prototyping and Verification


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Verification of System-On-a-Chip (SoC) poses us a serious challenge as it involves not only high chip complexity but also hardware/software co-verification along with short design time-to-market. Traditional IC design verification technologies based on simulation, emulation, and prototyping often fall short of meeting this challenge of SoC verification. This chapter starts with an introduction of SoC design verification flow. To reduce the time-to-market it is crucial to provide the system-level model for each hardware block, software component and communication channel in the very early stage of the SoC design process. It can be best addressed by performing the so-called ‘soft prototyping.’ System-level modeling using SystemC is explained as it is expected to be widely employed as a reference model. Software part of the SoC is run on Instruction Set Simulation (ISS), which is interfaced to hardware models described in either software (like HDL or SystemC) or physical hardware. We explained the hybrid SoC design verification technique which incorporates both simulation and prototyping in a single verification environment to maximally exploit the merits of both approaches. Simulation acceleration and emulation are explained followed by the introduction of HW/SW co-simulation and FPGA-based co-emulation techniques. These techniques based on initial system-level modeling of high-level abstract behavior followed by gradual refinement and verification by comparing with the reference model, enables fast and error-free SoC design closure
soft prototype,hard prototype,instruction set simulator iss,verification,co-simulation,prototype,soc
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