Euclid Quick Data Release (Q1). the Strong Lensing Discovery Engine C – Finding Lenses with Machine Learning
Strong gravitational lensing has the potential to provide a powerful probe of astrophysics and cosmology, but fewer than 1000 strong lenses have been confirmed previously. With ;;0.16 resolution covering a third of the sky, the telescope will revolutionise strong lens finding, with 170000 lenses forecasted to be discovered amongst its 1.5 billion galaxies. We present an analysis of the performance of five machine-learning models at finding strong gravitational lenses in the quick release of data (Q1), covering 63 deg^2. The models are validated with citizen scientists and expert visual inspection. We focus on the best performing network: a fine-tuned version of the pretrained model, originally trained to classify galaxy morphologies in heterogeneous astronomical imaging surveys. Of the one million Q1 objects that was tasked to find strong lenses within, the top 1000 ranked objects contained 122 grade A lenses (almost certain lenses), and 41 grade B lenses (probable lenses). A deeper search with the five networks combined with visual inspection discovered 250 (247) grade A (B) lenses, of which 224 (182) are ranked in the top 20000 by . When extrapolated to the full survey, the highest ranked one million images will contain 75000 grade A or B strong gravitational lenses.
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