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Real-World (RW) Outcomes of Lisocabtagene Maraleucel (Liso-Cel) As Second-Line (2L) Therapy in Patients (pts) with Relapsed or Refractory (R/R) Large B-Cell Lymphoma (LBCL): First Results from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) Registry

Maria Silvina Odstrcil Bobillo,Swetha Kambhampati,Dasom Lee,Bradley D. Hunter, Ogechukwu Egini,Krish Patel, Patrick M. Reagan,David Bernasconi, Soyoung Kim, Charimar Santiago Parrilla, Tracy Krimmel, Fei, Debasmita Roy, Sairah Ahmed,Jennifer L. Crombie,Saurabh Dahiya,Mehdi Hamadani, Catherine J. Lee, Marcelo C. Pasquini,Mazyar Shadman,Alex F. Herrera, Matthew Frigault


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