NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results

Yingqian Wang,Zhengyu Liang, Qianyu Chen,Longguang Wang,Jungang Yang,Radu Timofte,Yulan Guo,Wentao Chao, Yiming Kan,Xuechun Wang,Fuqing Duan,Guanghui Wang, Wang Xia, Ziqi Wang, Yue Yan, Peiqi Xia,Shunzhou Wang,Yao Lu,Angulia Yang, Kai Jin,Zeqiang Wei,Sha Guo,Mingzhi Gao,Xiuzhuang Zhou, Zhongxin Yu, Shaofei Luo, Cheng Zhong, Shaorui Chen,Long Peng, Yuhong He,Gaosheng Liu,Huanjing Yue,Jingyu Yang, Zhengjian Yao, Jiakui Hu,Lujia Jin,Zhi-Song Liu, Chenhang He, Jun Xiao, Xiuyuan Wang, Zonglin Tian,Yifan Mao,Deyang Liu, Shizheng Li,Ping An

2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)(2024)

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In this report, we summarize the 2nd NTIRE challenge on light field (LF) image super-resolution (SR) with a focus on new methods and results. This challenge aims at superresolving LF images under the standard bicubic downsampling degradation with a magnification factor of ×4. Compared with single image SR, the major challenge of LF image SR lies in how to exploit complementary angular information from plenty of views with varying disparities. This year of challenge has two tracks, including one track on fidelity (i.e., restoration accuracy in terms of PSNR) only, and the other track on fidelity with an extra constraint on model size and computational cost. In total, 125 participants were successfully registered for this challenge, and 9 teams have successfully submitted results with PSNR scores higher than the baseline methods. We report the solutions proposed by the participants, and summarize their common trends and useful tricks. We hope this challenge can stimulate future research and inspire new ideas in LF image SR.
light field,super-resolution,challenge
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