
A Theoretical and Kinetic Study of Key Reactions Between Ammonia and Fuel Molecules, Part III: H-atom Abstraction from Esters by ṄH2 Radicals

Jingwu Sun,Lijun Yang, Dongsheng Wen, Henry J. Curran,Chong-Wen Zhou

Combustion and Flame(2024)

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Hydrogen atom abstraction reactions by ṄH2 radicals play a crucial role in determining the reactivity of ammonia/fuel binary blends. Esters are a typical component of environmentally friendly and economically promising biofuels. The feasibility of the ammonia/biofuel dual-fuel approach has been proven in practical engines. [Energy and Fuels 22 (2008) 2963] and [Int. J. Energy Res. 2023 (2023) 9920670]. ṄH2 radicals play a critical role in the combustion and pyrolysis chemistry of ammonia and N-containing-rich fuels. In ammonia/biofuels hybrid combustion, ṄH2 radicals can react with biofuel molecules in a reaction class that is particularly important especially when sufficient ammonia is blended in order to eliminate NOx emissions. To help unravel the chemistry of ammonia/biofuel blends, a systematic theoretical kinetic study of H-atom abstraction from eleven alky esters of CnH2n+1COOCH3 (n = 1–4), CH3COOCmH2m+1 (m = 1–4), and C2H5COOC2H5, by ṄH2 radicals is performed in this work. The geometry optimization, frequency, and zero-point energy calculations for all related species, as well as the hindrance potential energy surface for low frequency torsional modes in the reactants and transition states, were performed at the M06–2X/6–311++G(d,p) level of theory. Intrinsic reaction coordinate calculations were performed to validate the connections between the transition states and expected minima energy species. The energies of all of the species involved were calculated at the QCISD(T)/cc-pVXZ (X = D, T, Q) and MP2/cc-pVYZ (Y = T, Q) levels of theory and then extrapolated to the complete basis set. Rate constants of 39 reactions were calculated using the Master Equation System Solver (MESS) program in the temperature range of 500 – 2000 K. These rate constants for different H-atom abstraction sites are provided and can be extrapolated to larger esters. The kinetic effects from the functional group are also illustrated by performing detailed comparisons with the previous studies of ṄH2 radical reactions with alkanes, alcohols and ethers.
Esters,ṄH2 radical,H-atom abstraction,Kinetics,Rate constants
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