“Lazarus Response” when Feto-Maternal Microchimerism Kicks In: Spontaneous Remission in Refractory Primary Mediastinal B Cell Lymphoma Following Twin Pregnancy

Radu Andrei Tomai,Sabina Iluta,Adrian Bogdan Tigu, Madalina Nistor, Anamaria Bancos, Diana Cenariu,Ciprian Jitaru, Sergiu Patcas,Delia Dima,David Kegyes, Sanda Buruiana, Mihnea Zdrenghea, Alina Daniela Tanase,Ciprian Tomuleasa, Romeo Micu

Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)(2024)

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Background: Spontaneous remission of cancer is a rare and poorly understood phenomenon characterized by complete or partial remission of a malignancy in the absence of or with inadequate treatment. The underlying mechanism for such occurrences is poorly understood, however, immune mechanisms seem to play an important role in such cases. In recent years increasingly more data have become available in favor of the clinical benefit of low levels of chimerism in hematologic malignancies. One such instance of naturally occurring low-level chimerism is feto-maternal microchimerism which has been shown to influence cancer progression and, in some instances, to be a protective factor against malignancy. Case report: We report a case of a young female patient with aggressive primary mediastinal large B cell lymphoma refractory to two lines of chemo-immunotherapy achieving sustained complete metabolic remission of tumor while pregnant with twins. Results: A focus on feto-maternal microchimerism during and after pregnancy revealed transient levels of feto-maternal microchimerism in the peripheral blood of the patient as measured by quantifying the Y-chromosome-linked SRY gene. Conclusions: Microchimerism presents significant potential for enhancing our comprehension of disease mechanisms, uncovering novel therapeutic targets, and refining diagnostic and treatment approaches, especially concerning cancer.
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Key words
microchimerism,SRY,remission,gene analysis
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