Experimental Study on the Effects of Co-Firing Mode and Air Staging on the Ultra-Low Load Combustion Assisted by Water Electrolysis Gas (HHO) in a Pulverized Coal Furnace

Yize Zhang,Qiwei Wu,Yifan Zhu, Xiao Kang, Bingjun Hou,Hao Zhou

Journal of the Energy Institute(2024)

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Developing zero-carbon fuel (H2/NH3) co-firing technology with pulverized coal can improve the low-load flame instability and pollutant emissions of boilers during peak shaving. In this study, we propose to assist the low-load combustion of coal powder furnaces with the safer water electrolysis gas (HHO). To further optimize the combustion strategy, a one-dimensional furnace combustion system coupled with an HHO gas generation and transportation system was used to investigate the effects of injection methods and air staging on the flue gas emission and auxiliary combustion characteristics of the lignite load reduction process and ultra-low load. The results indicate that reducing the coal combustion load achieves carbon reduction and reduces actual CO2 emissions. The excess air coefficient increases, resulting in higher NOX and lower CO emissions. Air staging can control NOX and CO emissions during load shedding, with a 40.49% reduction in NOX at 30% load. Under ultra-low load, HHO-assisted combustion increases the oxygen concentration in the furnace, increasing NOX emissions, while SO2 decreases and then increases. However, the effect of HHO gas premixed mode (PM) on NOX generation is weaker than that of staged mode (SM). As the flow rate of HHO increases, HHO-SM promotes the conversion of CO to CO2 and reduces CO emissions, while CO emissions under PM remain at ∼10 ppm. Both HHO injection methods exhibit assisted combustion effects for ultra-low load operation. Due to the different effects of the two on the recirculation zone inside the combustion, the auxiliary combustion effect of PM is superior than that of SM. At 1800L/h HHO, the decrease in combustion instability coefficient () of PM is 57.14%, higher than that of SM. Air staging is beneficial for stable combustion under ultra-low load, but it can affect the auxiliary combustion of HHO gas. Under ultra-low load HHO co-firing conditions, 11%-OFA can also control NOX and CO emissions.
HHO gas,Pulverized coal,Co-firing mode,Ultra-low load,Air staging
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