
The Clearing Timescale for Infrared-selected Star Clusters in M83 with HST

Suyash Deshmukh,Sean T. Linden,Daniela Calzetti, Angela Adamo, Matteo Messa,Kathryn Grasha,Elena Sabbi,Linda Smith, Kelsey E. Johnson


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We present an analysis of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data from WFC3/UVIS, WFC3/IR and ACS, investigating the young stellar cluster (YSC) population in the face-on spiral galaxy M83. Within the field of view of the IR pointings, we identify 454 sources with compact F814W continuum and Paβ line emission with a S/N ≥ 3 as possible YSC candidates embedded in dust. We refine this selection to 97 candidates based on their spectral energy distributions, multi-wavelength morphology, and photometric uncertainties. For sources that are detected in all bands and have mass > 10^2.8 M_⊙ (53 sources), we find that by 2 Myr 75% of infrared-selected star clusters have an A_V≤ 1, and that by 3 Myr the fraction rises to ∼ 82%. This evidence of early clearing implies that pre-supernovae feedback from massive stars are responsible for clearing the majority of the natal gas and dust that surround infrared-selected star clusters in M83. Further, this result is consistent with previous estimates based on WFC3 observations, and adds to the growing body of literature suggesting pre-supernova feedback to be crucial for YSC emergence in normal star-forming galaxies. Finally, we find a weak correlation between the YSC concentration index and age over the first 10 Myr, which matches previous studies and indicates little or no change in the size of YSCs in M83 during their early evolution.
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