
Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation from Recompletion in Refracturing with Dynamic Stress Modeling

Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources(2024)

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Owing to the rapid decline of oil production from tight oil reservoirs after primary hydraulic fracturing treatment on the horizontal well, a refracturing stimulation is proposed for tight oil recovery. In this study, a fully coupled dynamic stress computational method with a finite-element method is presented, and depletion-induced dynamic stress is simulated by coupled numerical modeling. In addition, the extended finite-element method (XFEM) approach is used to investigate the effect of different parameters on fracture dynamic propagation in recompletion from refracturing. The results highlight the effects of production-induced stress changes following hydraulic fracture propagation. When multiple fractures are stimulated simultaneously from recompletion during refracturing, curved fractures are commonly observed, and the deflected fractures generally divert toward the primary stimulated area with low pore pressure. The results indicate that comprehensive factors can affect the hydraulic fractures propagation from recompletion. The optimal refracturing time window can be determined using the dynamic stress condition and stimulated area. The initial completion spacing, initial fracture length, and recompletion perforation cluster spacing can also affect the fracture geometry from the recompletion. A larger initial fracture length can induce a larger stress change area, whereas a larger distance between the new perforations in recompletion and the old perforations can decrease the depletion-induced stress effect. A high horizontal stress contrast can increase the depletion-induced stress effect because a long fracture extends the area. Owing to the nonuniform pressure and stress distributions, more nonuniform fractures are commonly generated in the refracturing treatment. Thus, temporary plugging injection and proppant inertia must be designed while reducing the number of perforations near the initial perforation positions. This can help decrease the possibility of strong curved fractures and screen out problems.
Recompletion,Dynamic in-situ stress,Refracturing,Multistage fracturing,Depletion
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