
Unraveling the Mechanisms of Magnesium Supplementation in Alleviating Chronic Kidney Disease Complications and Progression: Balancing Risks and Benefits

Majid Sadeghpour, Ali Bejani, Maryam Hosseini Kupaei, Seyed Jafar Amini Majd, Afshin Najafi, Shiva Fakhari,Ali Abdolizadeh,Keivan Mohammadi

Biological trace element research(2024)

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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. It is usually diagnosed at early levels because of its slow progression. Treatment should consider CKD complications (such as electrolyte level imbalance, vascular calcification, and bone mineral disorders), as well as the development of CKD itself. Large-scale studies have shown that current treatment guidelines are nearly ineffective and fail to achieve treatment goals. Guidelines have not paid as much attention to magnesium (Mg) as the other electrolytes, while Mg has a significant role in the treatment goals of CKD. Hypomagnesemia is the only electrolyte imbalance that is equally prevalent in all stages of CKD. A lower plasma Mg level in each stage of CKD is associated with a higher risk of CKD progression and cardiac events. Magnesium exerts its effects both directly and via other ions. Mg supplementation increases insulin sensitivity while reducing proteinuria and inflammation. It lowers blood pressure and inhibits vascular calcification primarily because of its effects on calcium and phosphate, respectively. Vitamin D supplementation for low-active vitamin D in CKD patients increases vascular calcification and cardiac events, but magnesium supplementation enhances vitamin D levels and activity without increasing the risk of cardiac events. However, careful attention is required due to the potential threats of hypermagnesemia, particularly in advanced CKD stages. Starting magnesium supplementation early in patients’ treatment plans will result in fewer side effects and more advantages. More original research is needed to determine its optimal dose and serum levels.
Magnesium,Mg,Chronic kidney disease,Cardiac events
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