
Using Multispectral Data from UAS in Machine Learning to Detect Infestation by Xylotrechus Chinensis (chevrolat) (coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Mulberries

Christina Panopoulou, Athanasios Antonopoulos, Evaggelia Arapostathi, Myrto Stamouli,Anastasios Katsileros,Antonios Tsagkarakis


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The tiger longicorn beetle, Xylotrechus chinensis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), has posed a significant threat to mulberry trees in Greece since its invasion in 2017, which may be associated with global warming. Detection typically relies on observing adult emergence holes on the bark or dried branches, indicating severe damage. Addressing pest threats linked to global warming requires efficient, targeted solutions. Remote sensing provides valuable, swift information on vegetation health, and combining these data with machine learning techniques enables early detection of pest infestations. This study utilized airborne multispectral data to detect infestations by X. chinensis in mulberry trees. Variables such as mean NDVI, mean NDRE, mean EVI, and tree crown area were calculated and used in machine learning models, alongside data on adult emergence holes and temperature. Trees were classified into two categories, infested and healthy, based on X. chinensis infestation. Evaluated models included Random Forest, Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting, Multi-Layer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Naïve Bayes. Random Forest proved to be the most effective predictive model, achieving the highest scores in accuracy (0.86), precision (0.84), recall (0.81), and F-score (0.82), with Gradient Boosting performing slightly lower. This study highlights the potential of combining remote sensing and machine learning for early pest detection, promoting timely interventions, and reducing environmental impacts.
climate change,early detection,machine learning,multispectral imagery,mulberry tree random forest,remote sensing,tiger longicorn beetle,UAS
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