What is the Difference in Outcomes Between the ESD of Large Colonic and Rectal Lesions? French Multicenter Prospective Cohort of 3901 Procedures (FECCO- NCT04592003)Jérémie Jacques,Marion Schaefer,Timothée Wallenhorst,Vincent Lépilliez,Thibault Degand,Yann Le Baleur,Philippe Leclercq,Arthur Berger,Edouard Chabrun,Bertrand Brieau,Maximilien Barret,Gabriel Rahmi,Romain Legros,Jérôme Rivory,Sarah Leblanc, Valérie Geoffroy,Jean-Baptiste Zeevaert,Jérémie Albouys,Guillaume Perrod,Clara Yzet, L. Hugo,Stanislas Chaussade,Arthur Belle, R. Florian, D. Martín,Alexandru Lupu,J. B. Chevaux,Mathieu PiocheEndoscopy(2024)引用 0|浏览8暂无评分AI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要